Goodbye Winter… See You Next Year!

Spring has sprung! Winter has left us, the flowers are blooming, coats are no longer necessary. I am LOVING this season and excited for Easter coming up!

Going from one season to the next can be refreshing and reminds us to enjoy those carefree moments. Go for those long walks, buy those cute spring clothes… live it up. Oh, and read more books outside! Take a break from being inside all day for a change! We all need the fresh air, don’t we?

A few spring activities for you to consider doing this season:

1) Go to Starbucks and sit outside with a coffee and book in hand

2) Go to Ross and buy a few cute dresses

4) Get a new hairstyle (lighten the hair up with highlights)

3) Go for a walk at the park

5) Get ice cream with a friend

6) Go to the zoo and aquarium

7) Amusement park trip

8) Go fly a kite

9) Go for a bike ride

“Spring drew on…and a greenness grew over those brown beds, which, freshening daily, suggested the thought that Hope traversed them at night, and left each morning brighter traces of her steps.” —Charlotte Brontë

January— a Chilly Month

January, in any state, any country— NOT THE VIBE. Today, I sit here, cold— freezing— in need of 1,000 blankets. It’s raining and dark, dreary outside. It’s the kind of day where you don’t want to do anything. You just want to cuddle with your dog and watch a movie and of course—nap.

If I had to pick a least favorite month of the year… it would 100% be January. Even in the desert, it’s a nightmare kind of month. You just want to blast the heat in your car. You want to live in sweats and fuzzy socks. Who needs to leave the house? Not me! Just kidding… I still have to go out to work and do all the normal activities I always do. Unfortunately! If only I could avoid responsibilities until the weather is in the 70s again!

I guess we can’t take a month off from life and just stay inside the house and keep warm? It’s a bummer… isn’t it?

To get through January, I recommend a few things for you. A few tips to keep you going and get you through the worst month ever! I have to say, too, I think it’s low-key depressing this month because the holidays are over, and we’re all broke from all the holiday shopping.

Anyway… tips, yes! Here we go!

1) Don’t go out too much besides grocery shopping, work… things you have to do

2) Hot chocolate every night

3) Never leave the house without a coat (and throw on a scarf and hat while you’re at it)

4) Have a blanket in your car at all times

5) Cuddle with your pets

6) Have more self-care nights at home (face mask and wine anyone?)

7) Watch movies on the couch wrapped in a robe and cozy slippers on the feet

8) Take warm bubble baths

9) Watch summer movies and TV shows to warm you up

10) Nap at least once a day

Good luck surviving January, bloggers! Stay warm (as best you can).

How to Get Over a Breakup the Chea Way!

Still smiling— still hanging in there

I had a boyfriend. He was great. He made me feel special— beautiful even. He treated me so well and made me feel comfortable and safe with him. Then, he broke up with me. I’m not mad because I know sometimes relationships just don’t work out. I don’t hate him or anything at all. In fact, we’re staying friends— it’s just hard. He’s going through personal stuff right now and can’t handle a serious relationship and that’s OK.

Does it hurt? Having someone break up with you, no matter what reason, is hard and hurts a lot. I wish we were still together. I miss just spending time with him and doing fun activities whether mini golfing or going to see a movie. I miss having someone to hangout with. No matter how long or who you date— it still hurts when it’s over. It hurts to lose that connection and happiness you felt with someone you cared about.

I found keeping busy helps. I’ve found ways to distract myself and not get hung up on the fact it’s really over. And you know something? I’m proud of myself. I didn’t lay in my bed for hours with a pint of ice cream crying as I watch a rom com. Not gonna lie, part of me did want to do that but I didn’t. Instead, I told myself that it’ll all be OK and that it’s just a bump in the road. I’ll get past it and soon— smooth sailing again. It hurts, I’m sad… but I’m going to move forward— not backward.

I did find a few ways to cope and feel better with some much needed self-care! The best ways to mend a broken heart are the simple, little things that bring a pinch of joy back to your heart.

Try these if you’re feeling down over a breakup, friend!

1) Do a fun activity with a family member or friend (I went pumpkin picking recently with my mom)

2) Retail therapy — buy a few goodies to cheer yourself up!

3) Take your dog for a walk and then hangout and cuddle and watch TV with them (if you don’t have a pet— do this by yourself)

4) Pig out! Order a pizza and get yourself ice cream (why not — cheat days are allowed every now and then)

5) Create a playlist of happy, upbeat songs that will instantly put you in a good mood

6) LISTEN TO TAYLOR SWIFT ON REPEAT (it really is therapeutic— especially the song “All Too Well” from her Red album)

7) Watch your favorite comfort movie (mine is Zootopia… I’m a child at heart)

8) Clean your room (my personal favorite distraction when I’m sad)

9) Go to the gym (workout those sad feelings on the treadmill + you’ll get toned)

10) Write about what happened — write a short story, poem, or even a journal entry about the relationship/experience. It’s a good way to get all those feelings out and sorted once and for all.

11) Pray! God loves you and will get you and I through this difficult time!

Sending hugs and love to you sad, fellow single people out there! xo ~ Chea

Ten Ways You Can Be a Better Friend! :)

“I found out what the secret to life is; friends. Best friends.” – Fried Green Tomatoes

It sounds simple. To be a better friend, you show up and support them. You treat them right and let them know that no matter what, you’ll be there for them through thick and thin. But I think there’s more to it than just being there. I think friendship takes work. Hard work. Even when you don’t see eye to eye, have very different opinions, you can’t give up on each other. Even when you both have contrasting interests and are going in different directions, you still need to make sure you’re in each other’s lives. You need to keep growing in the friendship even when life gets hard.

I found ten helpful ways to keep the friendships I have in my life still going strong through all the ups and downs life throws at us— including me moving across the country from them. I hope these are helpful and encouraging for you! 🙂

1) Make it a point to text or call your friend at least once month. If you can, once a week is better, but like I said, life gets crazy busy. Show them you’re still thinking about them and care about what’s going on in their life. By doing this, it will make them feel special and loved that you took time out of your day to reach out.

2) Meet up with them over coffee or tea to talk in person (hard for me right now, but when I visit Jersey— I 100% will). Let them vent to you about anything going on in their life and vice versa. It can be hard to always meet in person if you both have busy schedules, but if you can, it’s always better to meet up in person. And be open and honest about all that’s going on in your life and let them do the same. Trust is key in a friendship.

3) Put your phone away when you do hangout. Be fully present and give your complete undivided attention. There’s nothing worse than when you’re pouring out your heart to someone and they’re busy texting on their phone and half-listening.

4) It doesn’t always have to be serious conversations. Don’t forget to have fun! Get your nails done together, go to the beach, or go shopping and laugh and have a good time. When I lived close to my friend, Mel, we would go shopping at the Freehold Mall and spend time trying on pink, sparkly dresses then getting cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory. We would have a blast and forget all about exams and papers we needed to get done for school.

5) DON’T JUDGE THEM. That’s a big one. Who wants to be friends with someone who’s judgmental and doesn’t support you even when you’ve hit a rough patch?? We need to feel safe to tell our friends everything— the good, the bad, and the ugly. Remember: nobody is perfect.

6) Pray for them. I always try and pray as much as I can for my friends— that they’re happy and content with their lives. And if they’re looking for a new job or having a tough time in a relationship, I’ll pray for that as well. Whatever they need help with, I pray for them. Prayer is so powerful and important and it’s always nice to include your friends in the conversation you have with God.

7) Be sensitive towards their feelings. When they open up to you, don’t shut them down or make them feel like they need to take your advice on a certain matter. They need to make their own decisions and need you to just say, “Whatever you decide, I’m here for you 110%.”

8) Words of affirmation. Show them love by saying they look great today— love the hair, love the shoes, etc. Tell them you appreciate them or any nice thing you want to say to them. Just make them feel loved by saying something positive about them every now and then. You can even do this on social media when they post a photo. Write a nice comment— make them feel fabulous!

9) Write them a letter! Letters are soooo thoughtful. Why? Because who takes the time to sit down and write an actual letter these days?? I do it every now and then and all my friends love getting one from me.

10) Stay loyal. Don’t ditch your friend to hangout with a boyfriend or other friend when you already made plans with them. It’s not only rude but shows them they are not top priority and not as important as the other people in your life.

Treating your friends right goes a long way. My three closest friends have been in my life for at least a decade now. And one friend I literally have been besties with since we were babies. Those are the best kinds of friends to have. Ones who see past your flaws and love you even at your worst. Go out of your way and show your friends some extra love today!

Self-Care Tips for the Single Ones This Romantic Holiday

Being single has its perks! You get to focus more on yourself and making yourself happy instead of worrying about anyone else. Sure, receiving flowers and chocolate from someone sounds lovely, but not everyone has that special someone in their life, and you know what? That’s okay! Valentine’s Day is all about love… loving anyone, really. Your pet, a family member, friends… anyone.

Love is beautiful, and a reminder that there is still some good left in this world. Even during this crazy, chaotic time with COVID and everything happening at once, there’s still love. I see it when someone holds the door open for me somewhere. I see it in my senior pups eyes every time she looks at me. I see it when someone pays for the person in front of them at a drive-thru restaurant. Love is all around us. Every day. Even when we may feel at our lowest, it’s still there. We just have to look for it.

Don’t let Valentine’s Day bring you down if you’re single. Instead, embrace the beauty of love. Show some love to the people in your life and most importantly, yourself. And treat yourself with some pampering and much needed self-care this romantic holiday. We all need to treat ourselves every now and then! Even if you didn’t get to show some love to yourself today, do it tomorrow! Make a point to do something for yourself tonight or tomorrow, whether it be a warm bubble bath or a night out on the town or something else that would brighten your mood.

A Few Valentine’s Day/Day After Self-Care Ideas

1) Buy yourself a box of chocolates and a teddy bear

2) Take a warm bubble bath

3) Treat yourself to Olive Garden and bring your friends with you

4) Go shopping at the mall

5) Read a romance novel

6) Watch your favorite rom com and eat ice cream right out of the carton

7) Take your dog (if you have one) for a walk at the park/car ride (they need self-care too)

8) Give yourself a relaxing facial

9) Binge watch your favorite Netflix comfort show (I recommend Sweet Magnolias)

10) Go to the gym and listen to your favorite music while you get your workout on

11) Treat yourself to a slice of red velvet cake (or perhaps chocolate)

12) Journal and make a list of ten things you love about yourself

13) Light a sweet smelling candle

14) Enjoy a warm cup of tea

15) Call a loved one and tell them how special and important they are to you

Money, Money, Money – 6 Tips on How to Save Those Bucks

It’s always a struggle to save money, right? You walk into the mall saying your just gonna browse and then before you know it, you dropped $100 on candles and lotions from Bath & Body Works (guilty as charged). It’s easy to say, “I just won’t go to the mall”, “I’ll stay in this weekend,” “I can avoid spending money for a few days.” It’s easy to say those things but doing them- not so much. I don’t know about you, but I want to save money and not spend as much! I want the money in my account to stop dwindling down to practically nothing.

Of course we’re gonna spend money though – it’s how the world works. You have to spend in order to get even something simple like basic necessities like toilet paper, soap, etc. But, it never hurts to work on saving. Even saving just a few bucks here and there goes a long way!

6 Ways to Avoid Spending Your Hard-Earned Savings

1) Every time you spend money, even just a $1 – keep track. Write down in your notes on your phone how much you spend each day. Or, you could even get a little journal and log your spending the old-fashioned way.

2) Look for fun, free weekend activities to enjoy! Instead of going to the mall – ask your friend to go hiking or out for ice cream. If you go hiking, a free workout activity with pretty views! And if you just get food or a snack out, it’s a little cheaper, and a good start to work towards saving better (especially cheaper than shopping at a store). You can also look up fun things to do in your area. I’m sure there’s a lot of fun, free activities out there. I’ve found parades and other free events in my town. You just have to look!

3) Delete your Amazon app from your phone! ASAP! And any other app you’ll be tempted to shop and spend on. All it takes is one click and you spent $50 on a Funko Pop doll (true story).

4) Set a budget for yourself. Tell yourself you’re only going spend a specific amount for the week. You’re only going to spend $100 or $200 at the most (or however much you think you can afford to spend for the week). Make it a point to think whenever you swipe that credit card whether it’s worth it or not to buy that item.

5) Pack your own lunch for work. Resist the urge to run over to Panera or any place that’s nearby. You’ll save probably around $10 a day on lunch if choose to make a sandwich instead.

6) Uber Eats and DoorDash! If you need a small, part-time job to earn extra spending money, deliver food and packages through these apps. You can make around $100- $300 a week, depending on how many deliveries you want to take. It’s a super flexible job too! No set schedule and you work on your own time (I speak from experience).

Self-Care = A Must after Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery

Last week I had to get all four of my wisdom teeth removed. WHAT A NIGHTMARE. I got very sick from the anesthesia. Could barely walk to the car and hold myself up. Threw up and let’s just say – the whole experience wasn’t fun and far from a walk in the park. Not to mention, I had bad anxiety in the first place over this being the first time I ever had surgery. I started off super stressed and it only escalated from there.

I spent the entire week in bed trying to recover. I still can’t believe my dentist told me wisdom teeth surgery is no big deal (LIAR). I’m just FINALLY starting to be able to eat real food again. I was in so much pain, all I could do was sleep and eat mashed potatoes and vanilla ice cream. Every time I tried to eat anything else, all it did was make things worse. Did I mention all my teeth would ache for hours?? It felt like someone was punching me in the face over and over again. Needless to say, getting your wisdom teeth removed is no joke. After the week I’ve had, I am so glad it’s all over with and how I’m finally starting to feel like myself again and eat pretty much normal again.

Self-Care Tips for Those Recovering from the Aftermath of Wisdom Teeth Surgery

1) If you can, rest as much as possible (all the medicine will pretty much knock you out anyway TBH).

2) Rinse with salt water after every meal (but not until 24 hours after surgery).

3) Ice packets on your mouth and jaw area do wonders

4) Pick a show on Netflix and binge watch – helps take your mind off things

5) Don’t forget to take the medicine your dentist prescribes you. Set an alarm and take it exactly when you’re supposed to (believe me, missing it can make it 10x worse).

6) Eat lots of ice cream. The cold feels so good and really helps you deal with the pain.

7) Cuddle with your pet! Snuggles with my Sedona Baby have made me happy and helped the recovery process a lot.

8) Obviously stay away from anything crunchy and hard (soft food only – mashed potatoes, eggs, soups, ice cream)

9) Don’t drink with a straw for at least a week

10) Massage your jaw

11) No hot food (lukewarm or cold only)

12) Have someone wait on you hand and foot (THANK YOU MOM FOR TAKING CARE OF ME). Trust me, you won’t want to do too much with the pain coming and going constantly.

If you haven’t had your wisdom teeth taken out yet, good luck! I hope you don’t have the same experience I did!

You are Mom-believably Amazing

If Moms Were Flowers, I’d Pick You

Mother’s Day – a day to really show your mom some extra love for all she does for you. A day to make her feel like a queen and remind her just how special she is to you and your family.

I hope ya’ll bought your moms flowers and chocolate and treated her right today! After all, they deserve it for all they do for us…24/7!

My mom is pretty great. I can honestly say she’s one of my best friends, and the person I want to talk to first when something exciting happens in my life. There’s just something very, very special about my mom. She really has this way about her… a way of being a light for people in this dark world and doing all she can make others happy. That’s my mom – thinking of others before herself, all the time. She’s quite the gal! I could write a novel about her, but we’ll save that for another time. For now, I’d like to share 8 ways to make your mom feel appreciated and not just on Mother’s Day.

8 Ways to Make Your Mom Feel Special

1) Buy her favorite candy

My mom loves chocolate and when you get her Ferrero Rochers, you become her best friend…just like that! The way to your mom’s heart – anything sweet!

2) Mani & pedi

Self care is a must! And who doesn’t love going to the nail salon and getting a manicure and pedicure? It’s the perfect, relaxing way to hangout with your mom and have fun!

3) Hand her the TV remote

Let your mom take control over the TV for a change and binge watch one of her favorite TV shows or put on one of her favorite movies. I’ll watch a Hallmark movie with my mom every now and then, no matter how corny it is, ‘cause it makes her happy (and that’s all that matters).

4) Plan a vacay with her

Everyone should treat their mom to a vacay…at least once! Take your mom somewhere like Hawaii or go all out and book a trip to Europe! It’ll be a bonding experience like no other, one that you’ll both treasure FOREVER.

5) Take her shopping

Take her to the mall and let her pick out a few of her favorite things and then buy them for her! My mom loves to shop ‘till you drop! Just the idea of going to TJ Maxx or running over to the nearest mall puts her in a good mood instantly! SHOPPING IS THERAPY FOR THE SOUL.

6) Get professional photos taken with her

Moms love pictures of their kids (and that’s a fact). Get some fancy photos done professionally of you and her, and you’re guaranteed to become the favorite child (just sayin’).

7) Girls’ Night

Take mom out to dinner and a movie and have yourselves a night on the town! And don’t head home any sooner than midnight! It’s a great way to make your mom feel young and carefree for a change, forgetting about responsibilities and just having fun all night long!

8) Get her flowers

Find out what her favorite flowers are and buy them! Flowers are a safe gift…one that almost every single mom loves and appreciates! Bring home some pretty, sweet smelling roses or sunflowers for her, and she’ll be smiling for weeks!

From now on, do your best to make your mom feel fabulous 365 days a year instead of just one!

“Mom, I love you loads. Speaking of, can you do my laundry?” – Unknown

Self-Care Tips Brought to You by Cheabae Xo

Take Care of Yourself, Darling

You’re busy! You work 9-5 Monday through Friday and can barely catch a break on the weekend! Whether you relate or not, let’s face it… sometimes it’s hard to get the self-care we so desperately crave! Do we still need it? Absolutely! Self-care is everything and it’s so important to make time for it. We need to feel refreshed and get our vibe back whether it’s a day of treating yourself or one hour of “me time”. With that being said, here’s a few helpful tips on the best ways to stay healthy and happy!

Cheabae’s 10 Favorite Self-Care Treatments

1) Take a Bath – whether I’m in a good or bad mood, a long, warm bath is one of my favorite ways to unwind for a bit. I give myself an hour of no talking or over-thinking and instead, sit in complete silence and just enjoy the quietness and relaxation of it (trust me, you can’t go wrong). And while you’re at it, buy your favorite bath bomb!

2) Drink Iced Coffee While Binge Watching Netflix – ahhh, that first sip of cool, refreshing coffee while I watch Good Girls and sit on my cozy bed (I live for it). If you have a Keurig, great! If not, run over to Dunkin’ Donuts and order a coconut iced coffee with their option of 20% more caffeine (yes, Dunkin’ give us the energy we need) and then plop down on the couch, kick your feet up, and pick out a Netflix show that tickles your fancy.

3) Clean Your Room – I know, it sounds crazy, but how can you vibe if you’re surrounded by a mess? You just can’t! So, pick your clothes up off the floor and bring out the vacuum. If you’re feelin’ wild, re-decorate too (make your room feel like your happy place and hang up new, cute wall art or buy a new bedspread).

4) Buy a Face Mask – It’s a given! How can you have the proper self-care treatment without a nourishing Shea Butter or Brightening Lemon mask to clean those pores and leave your skin feeling super soft??? Ladies, go to Target right now and get one!

5) Shop Till You Drop Queen – head over to the mall and spend a lil extra cash on something for your next girls’ outing or get comfy pjs for a night in! Either way, you can’t go wrong with a super cute outfit that makes you feel fabulous!

6) Cuddle With Your Pet – this is the best kind of self-care, hands down. Pet your dog, cat, ferret, whatever you got and snuggle right next to your bff on the couch. You’ll love it and so will they!

7) Get Your Hair Done – your hair is the crown on your head! Treat it right and make an appointment at a salon for some highlights or a new cut (maybe a bob style if you’re down to experiment). I recently cut my hair shoulder length and got red highlights to try something new and let me tell ya…I AM VIBING WITH IT!

8) Zoom Your Best Pals – I call my friend, Lydia, on Zoom every Friday night to catch up with her and watch a movie. It’s my favorite day of the week, because I get to see my gal pal and keep in touch despite being states away. She keeps me sane with all the craziness of the COVID and gives me a fun night to chill, spill some tea, and almost always, watch a scary movie (sorry, not sorry Lydia hehe).

9) Get Lost in a Good Book – whether it’s an Agatha Christie Novel or a light rom com story, take the night off and go on a journey with the characters. Forget about your latest to do list and crack open a book that gets you so hyped, you just can’t put it down!

10) Paint Like Picasso – get to paintin’! Choose your favorite quote or draw your pet on a canvas. Who cares if it looks like the work of a six-year-old?? If you want to try something fun and laid back, head over to Michael’s and purchase what you need for a chance to get crafty and have a fun time while doing it.

These are just a few of my go-to, self-care treatments. The list is endless, believe me! I’m always coming up with new ways to keep my mental health vibing & thriving! If you don’t find any of these tips worthwhile, create your own. Whatever floats your boat! Self-care is all about what makes you relax and calm, so do just that!

Firefly Lane is my current, favorite read. Check out the new show on Netflix too (my girl, Katherine Heigel, is in it)!

“If you feel “burnout” setting in, if you feel demoralized and exhausted, it is best, for the sake of everyone, to withdraw and restore yourself.” – Dalai Lama