1 Lazy Day Per Week

Imagine, for a sec, if we lived like dogs. Sleep, eat, repeat. Sounds kinda nice, doesn’t it? No worries, just living life one day at a time and keeping it super simple. I wish! But of course… it might get a bit boring after a while.

I think as people, we should at least do one lazy day a week. Just one day to recharge by doing absolutely nothing and sitting at home in the comfiest pjs you can pull from your dresser and fuzziest slipper socks and biggest bathrobe.

A few ways to have a super relaxing day…

1) Binge watch a comfort show and throw in a rom com movie

2) Take a few long naps throughout the day

3) Have a cup of herbal tea

4) Do yoga

5) Read a book

6) Eat yummy snacks

7) Paint your nails

8) Journal

9) Take a warm bubble bath

10) Play a video game

11) Listen to self-care podcasts

12) Sleep in bed late (set no alarms)

13) Listen to your favorite playlist

14) Light a few candles

15) Have a glass of wine

16) Call a friend

17) Clean around your home

18) re-decorate your home

19) Cook yourself a big breakfast… pancakes, bacon, eggs… the works

20) Turn your phone off for the day

Don’t skip having a day of rest to re-charge! You need it, I need it, WE ALL NEED IT! Once a week. Mark it on your calendars.

Comfort is an Absolute Must at Work

My sweet, wonderful, co-worker friend; Flower, got me this super cute blanket hoodie. Yes, those are Corgis and rainbows (I KNOW SUPER DUPER CUTE). Flower is so amazing… she sent me this thoughtful gift just because (and I love her for it)!! Friends like her… those ones are keepers, let me tell you!

Thanks to Flower, I get to be comfortable and feel at ease while I work in the office. I think it’s important, if you can, to be super cozy at work. You’ll still stay motivated but relaxed enough not to get stressed out. And that’s what we desire, right? To not feel overwhelmed and wanting to pull our hair out while we call clients and schedule appointments. Well, at least for me, that’s the case!

I’m sure it’s even better for those of you who work from home! You can make endless trips to the Keurig machine for your coffee while you sit through meetings and type away on your Mac. You can throw on a blanket hoodie like me (thankfully no one really visits in person at the office) and why not grab slippers while you’re at it! Sounds WONDERFUL, doesn’t it?

A few other ways to stay comfy while working (if you can)

1) Play background music (peaceful, soothing tunes)

2) Sit somewhere like a couch or cozy chair that won’t hurt your back

3) Have snacks while you work (a few goodies by your side in case you get hungry)

4) Put up encouraging signs or artwork to give you inner peace and make you feel proud of yourself as you finish all your work tasks

5) Use your lunch break as a nap break!

6) Take deep breathes and quick time outs for the bathroom when you feel the stress coming back

7) Drink all the coffee you can get your hands on (coffee and work go together)

8) If you have pets… cuddle and pet them while you work (they are your emotional support animals … after all)

Remember, being all snug at work is essential! Especially for your mental health. 🙂

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk!

January— a Chilly Month

January, in any state, any country— NOT THE VIBE. Today, I sit here, cold— freezing— in need of 1,000 blankets. It’s raining and dark, dreary outside. It’s the kind of day where you don’t want to do anything. You just want to cuddle with your dog and watch a movie and of course—nap.

If I had to pick a least favorite month of the year… it would 100% be January. Even in the desert, it’s a nightmare kind of month. You just want to blast the heat in your car. You want to live in sweats and fuzzy socks. Who needs to leave the house? Not me! Just kidding… I still have to go out to work and do all the normal activities I always do. Unfortunately! If only I could avoid responsibilities until the weather is in the 70s again!

I guess we can’t take a month off from life and just stay inside the house and keep warm? It’s a bummer… isn’t it?

To get through January, I recommend a few things for you. A few tips to keep you going and get you through the worst month ever! I have to say, too, I think it’s low-key depressing this month because the holidays are over, and we’re all broke from all the holiday shopping.

Anyway… tips, yes! Here we go!

1) Don’t go out too much besides grocery shopping, work… things you have to do

2) Hot chocolate every night

3) Never leave the house without a coat (and throw on a scarf and hat while you’re at it)

4) Have a blanket in your car at all times

5) Cuddle with your pets

6) Have more self-care nights at home (face mask and wine anyone?)

7) Watch movies on the couch wrapped in a robe and cozy slippers on the feet

8) Take warm bubble baths

9) Watch summer movies and TV shows to warm you up

10) Nap at least once a day

Good luck surviving January, bloggers! Stay warm (as best you can).

Single People Can Still Enjoy Valentine’s Day!

Hello Bloggers! Love is in the air and all I see is Valentine’s Day candy and stuffed animals and flowers at every store (Target, Walgreens, Walmart— you name it). I would say it makes me want to puke, but really, I love Valentine’s Day. Do I like being single on Valentine’s Day? Well, NOT REALLY. But, I’m still all about this holiday. I love pink, hearts, love itself— cheesy rom coms, all the cutesy stuff that Valentine’s Day is all about.

Do I need a valentine this year? You know what? No! I am my own valentine ladies and gentlemen!! I am going to treat myself this Valentine’s Day to a cute stuffed animal, a Valentine’s themed flavored iced coffee, watch an 80s rom com, and just enjoy my third favorite holiday (next to Christmas & Halloween). Would I like to have a valentine who treats me to a fancy dinner and hands me a bouquet of roses— DUH! Of course I would, but since that more likely isn’t going to happen by Tuesday, February 14th… that’s OK. Because like I said, I am my own valentine. Say it with me single people! WE DON’T NEED A VALENTINE. BEING SINGLE ON THE MOST ROMANTIC DAY OF YEAR IS PERFECTLY FINE. WE ARE GOING TO BE FINE.

If you’re still reading this and are like, “Chea, I am not going to be fine,” here’s a few ideas on how to make this February 14th a good one and not a day you sit in bed eating chocolate and crying while watching The Notebook.

1) Go to the movies

2) Get your nails done

3) Buy yourself a box chocolate (but don’t sit in bed watching The Notebook & crying because your love life is non-existent)

4) Buy yourself a new outfit

5) Write a letter to yourself filled with positive affirmations, reminding yourself you are wonderful inside and out and don’t need a valentine to be happy.

6) A night out with girls (make it a galentine’s night)

7) Buy a face mask and have a lil spa day— sitting in your robe all day reading a Colleen Hoover book

8) Take a day trip and explore a new town

9) Buy your own flowers!

10) Buy a canvas, brush, and paint and create a pretty work of art (can’t go wrong with crafts)

Don’t avoid this cute holiday just because you’re single! Instead, make it a day worth getting excited over. Get hyped about Valentine’s Day and do something fun and happy for yourself. 🙂 Self-care on Valentine’s Day— can’t go wrong with it!

How to Get Over a Breakup the Chea Way!

Still smiling— still hanging in there

I had a boyfriend. He was great. He made me feel special— beautiful even. He treated me so well and made me feel comfortable and safe with him. Then, he broke up with me. I’m not mad because I know sometimes relationships just don’t work out. I don’t hate him or anything at all. In fact, we’re staying friends— it’s just hard. He’s going through personal stuff right now and can’t handle a serious relationship and that’s OK.

Does it hurt? Having someone break up with you, no matter what reason, is hard and hurts a lot. I wish we were still together. I miss just spending time with him and doing fun activities whether mini golfing or going to see a movie. I miss having someone to hangout with. No matter how long or who you date— it still hurts when it’s over. It hurts to lose that connection and happiness you felt with someone you cared about.

I found keeping busy helps. I’ve found ways to distract myself and not get hung up on the fact it’s really over. And you know something? I’m proud of myself. I didn’t lay in my bed for hours with a pint of ice cream crying as I watch a rom com. Not gonna lie, part of me did want to do that but I didn’t. Instead, I told myself that it’ll all be OK and that it’s just a bump in the road. I’ll get past it and soon— smooth sailing again. It hurts, I’m sad… but I’m going to move forward— not backward.

I did find a few ways to cope and feel better with some much needed self-care! The best ways to mend a broken heart are the simple, little things that bring a pinch of joy back to your heart.

Try these if you’re feeling down over a breakup, friend!

1) Do a fun activity with a family member or friend (I went pumpkin picking recently with my mom)

2) Retail therapy — buy a few goodies to cheer yourself up!

3) Take your dog for a walk and then hangout and cuddle and watch TV with them (if you don’t have a pet— do this by yourself)

4) Pig out! Order a pizza and get yourself ice cream (why not — cheat days are allowed every now and then)

5) Create a playlist of happy, upbeat songs that will instantly put you in a good mood

6) LISTEN TO TAYLOR SWIFT ON REPEAT (it really is therapeutic— especially the song “All Too Well” from her Red album)

7) Watch your favorite comfort movie (mine is Zootopia… I’m a child at heart)

8) Clean your room (my personal favorite distraction when I’m sad)

9) Go to the gym (workout those sad feelings on the treadmill + you’ll get toned)

10) Write about what happened — write a short story, poem, or even a journal entry about the relationship/experience. It’s a good way to get all those feelings out and sorted once and for all.

11) Pray! God loves you and will get you and I through this difficult time!

Sending hugs and love to you sad, fellow single people out there! xo ~ Chea

Self-Care Tips for the Single Ones This Romantic Holiday

Being single has its perks! You get to focus more on yourself and making yourself happy instead of worrying about anyone else. Sure, receiving flowers and chocolate from someone sounds lovely, but not everyone has that special someone in their life, and you know what? That’s okay! Valentine’s Day is all about love… loving anyone, really. Your pet, a family member, friends… anyone.

Love is beautiful, and a reminder that there is still some good left in this world. Even during this crazy, chaotic time with COVID and everything happening at once, there’s still love. I see it when someone holds the door open for me somewhere. I see it in my senior pups eyes every time she looks at me. I see it when someone pays for the person in front of them at a drive-thru restaurant. Love is all around us. Every day. Even when we may feel at our lowest, it’s still there. We just have to look for it.

Don’t let Valentine’s Day bring you down if you’re single. Instead, embrace the beauty of love. Show some love to the people in your life and most importantly, yourself. And treat yourself with some pampering and much needed self-care this romantic holiday. We all need to treat ourselves every now and then! Even if you didn’t get to show some love to yourself today, do it tomorrow! Make a point to do something for yourself tonight or tomorrow, whether it be a warm bubble bath or a night out on the town or something else that would brighten your mood.

A Few Valentine’s Day/Day After Self-Care Ideas

1) Buy yourself a box of chocolates and a teddy bear

2) Take a warm bubble bath

3) Treat yourself to Olive Garden and bring your friends with you

4) Go shopping at the mall

5) Read a romance novel

6) Watch your favorite rom com and eat ice cream right out of the carton

7) Take your dog (if you have one) for a walk at the park/car ride (they need self-care too)

8) Give yourself a relaxing facial

9) Binge watch your favorite Netflix comfort show (I recommend Sweet Magnolias)

10) Go to the gym and listen to your favorite music while you get your workout on

11) Treat yourself to a slice of red velvet cake (or perhaps chocolate)

12) Journal and make a list of ten things you love about yourself

13) Light a sweet smelling candle

14) Enjoy a warm cup of tea

15) Call a loved one and tell them how special and important they are to you

Self-Care = A Must after Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery

Last week I had to get all four of my wisdom teeth removed. WHAT A NIGHTMARE. I got very sick from the anesthesia. Could barely walk to the car and hold myself up. Threw up and let’s just say – the whole experience wasn’t fun and far from a walk in the park. Not to mention, I had bad anxiety in the first place over this being the first time I ever had surgery. I started off super stressed and it only escalated from there.

I spent the entire week in bed trying to recover. I still can’t believe my dentist told me wisdom teeth surgery is no big deal (LIAR). I’m just FINALLY starting to be able to eat real food again. I was in so much pain, all I could do was sleep and eat mashed potatoes and vanilla ice cream. Every time I tried to eat anything else, all it did was make things worse. Did I mention all my teeth would ache for hours?? It felt like someone was punching me in the face over and over again. Needless to say, getting your wisdom teeth removed is no joke. After the week I’ve had, I am so glad it’s all over with and how I’m finally starting to feel like myself again and eat pretty much normal again.

Self-Care Tips for Those Recovering from the Aftermath of Wisdom Teeth Surgery

1) If you can, rest as much as possible (all the medicine will pretty much knock you out anyway TBH).

2) Rinse with salt water after every meal (but not until 24 hours after surgery).

3) Ice packets on your mouth and jaw area do wonders

4) Pick a show on Netflix and binge watch – helps take your mind off things

5) Don’t forget to take the medicine your dentist prescribes you. Set an alarm and take it exactly when you’re supposed to (believe me, missing it can make it 10x worse).

6) Eat lots of ice cream. The cold feels so good and really helps you deal with the pain.

7) Cuddle with your pet! Snuggles with my Sedona Baby have made me happy and helped the recovery process a lot.

8) Obviously stay away from anything crunchy and hard (soft food only – mashed potatoes, eggs, soups, ice cream)

9) Don’t drink with a straw for at least a week

10) Massage your jaw

11) No hot food (lukewarm or cold only)

12) Have someone wait on you hand and foot (THANK YOU MOM FOR TAKING CARE OF ME). Trust me, you won’t want to do too much with the pain coming and going constantly.

If you haven’t had your wisdom teeth taken out yet, good luck! I hope you don’t have the same experience I did!

Cheabae’s Top 10 List of TV Shows to Binge Watch

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

Where’s the Remote at?

Raise your hand if you have Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, or Amazon Prime (or all of them). I see those virtual hands being raised because there’s no way (unless you’re an old person who just needs CNN or Fox News to be happy), you don’t have at least one.

We all love TV and tend to put on our favorite TV show and sit back and relax on the couch, especially after a long day. Sitting down and tuning into our favorite drama or sitcom is the best way to unwind and settle before going to bed. We can even call it self-care 😉

Can’t think of what to watch next? That’s what I’m here for – to recommend some shows you haven’t watched or might want to re-watch! Time to get to vibing with a new program (I sound like an old lady, I know) that tickles your fancy!

Cheabae’s Top 10 TV Shows to Watch or Rewatch

  1. One Tree Hill (Hulu) – the perfect drama (my all time favorite) if you love small-town vibes, sibling rivalry, love triangles…all the teen soap tea in one show. I recommend watching it with your closest gal pals next time ya’ll get together! With characters like dreamy writer; Lucas Scott, sassy and funny; Brooke Davis, or tough and artistic; Peyton Sawyer, you won’t be disappointed.
  2. Cobra Kai (Netflix) – No Mercy! If you loved the original Karate Kid movies, well…this one’s for you then! Danielle LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence are back at it, rivaling against each other with their competing karate dojos. It’s a must-watch with your family, and you can easily finish a season within a day or two with a total of 3 seasons to check out!
  3. WandaVision (Disney Plus) – Calling all Marvel fans! With a total of 9 episodes so far, you can expect the mini series to keep you on the edge of your seat! Set three weeks after the events of Avengers: Endgame, Wanda and Vision are living their best lives in the charming, suburban town of Westview, NJ while they keep their powers hidden from neighbors and friends. As each decade passes in their dreamy sitcom-like atmosphere, things begin to unravel, showing it’s not all fun and games for the couple.
  4. Dawson’s Creek (Hulu and Netflix) – *Sings I don’t want to wait for my life to be over (real loud).* Brief overview: A wannabe filmmaker and his friends, explore and try to find more of themselves in the late 90s to early 2000s in the lovely town of Capeside. It’s the perfect coming of age show that is certain to make you laugh and cry and have you rooting for Pacey and Joey to end up together and for Dawson to become a successful film director, making his role model; Stephen Spielberg, proud.
  5. Beverly Hills 90210 (Hulu) – Donna Martin graduates! Brenda, Brandon, Dylan, Kelly, Donna, Steve, and David, a.k.a., the West Beverly gang, provide you with drama, 90s vibes, and shopping on Rodeo Drive. The main focus is rich teens who deal with relationships, rape, drugs, teen pregnancy, racism… all the heavy topics in one place. Believe it or not, you can learn valuable life lessons with characters we love and hate, making for the perfect show to binge-watch the next chance you get.
  6. Glee (Netflix) – if you love endless singing/musicals… Will Schuester, Sue Sylvester, and all the members of glee club will entertain you with all your favorite songs and high school drama along the way. Expect to hear the classics (“Don’t Stop Believingand “I Wanna Dance with Somebody”) to some Britney Spears tunes and other popular jams from 2009 – 2015. One minute Rachel Berry is stealing the show and the next, Sue is doing everything she can to destroy the glee club. Never a dull moment at William McKinley High School!
  7. Good Girls (Netflix) – A crime-comedy drama with four seasons, three besties (two being sisters) who struggle to make ends meet and need money fast, rob a supermarket where one of them, Annie, works at. First, they rob the supermarket and then before they realize it, they’re in way too deep and working for crime boss; Rio, making money and fearing for their lives at the same time. Three suburban moms living a life of crime… yeah, I think you can definitely call the plot original and far from boring!
  8. Imposters (Netflix) – You have con artist, Maddie, and her squad, Sally and Max, working for “the doctor,” who go around lying and stealing money (including hearts) from the rich and splitting the profits. When three former victims, Ezra, Richard, and Jules decide to get even and track the scammers down, THE DRAMA UNFOLDS. No joke, Maddie spends months of trickery with a fake name (sometimes a fake accent), different hairstyle and personality, and so forth, and breaks her victim’s hearts when they least expect it, with a cruel goodbye message and all their money 110% gone (with Sally and Max’s assistance, of course). Sadly, there’s only two seasons of this incredible, edge of your seat kind of show, but it’s still absolutely worth checking out (thanks, Lydia for recommending it)!
  9. Firefly Lane (Netflix) – Katherine Heigl (need I say more) takes the lead role in a story about two best friends and how they navigate through the ups and downs of life from their teen years in the 1970s all the way through to their adulthood in the early- 2000s. Based off the book (same name), written by Kristin Hannah, you’ll appreciate Tully’s (played by Katherine Heigl) spunky and outgoing personality and adore Kate’s sweet demeanor and quirkiness. Ten episodes of tears and laughter (more to come), you’ll LOVE every second of it along with hearing classic songs like “Dancing Queen,” “Love is a Battlefield,” and “Total Eclipse of the Heart,” in each episode.
  10. Gilmore Girls (Netflix) – Coffee and Gilmore Girls, yes, please!!! WE ALL WISH WE HAD A TOWN LIKE STARS HOLLOW (everybody knows your name, and Luke’s Diner is the place to be ). A cute show with mother-daughter goals for sure! You’ll love Lorelai and Rory and their quirky personalities and the tight bond they share, along with Luke, Kurt, Taylor, the rest of the town, and of course, Rory’s grandparents. So much laughter and speed talking (they all drink too much coffee) in one place and endless shenanigans- a must-watch for comic relief with fun, goofy characters.

Now that you have some shows to check out, go ahead and choose one from the list and cozy up on the couch with your favorite blanket. And, eat some popcorn while you’re at it!

Self-Care Tips Brought to You by Cheabae Xo

Take Care of Yourself, Darling

You’re busy! You work 9-5 Monday through Friday and can barely catch a break on the weekend! Whether you relate or not, let’s face it… sometimes it’s hard to get the self-care we so desperately crave! Do we still need it? Absolutely! Self-care is everything and it’s so important to make time for it. We need to feel refreshed and get our vibe back whether it’s a day of treating yourself or one hour of “me time”. With that being said, here’s a few helpful tips on the best ways to stay healthy and happy!

Cheabae’s 10 Favorite Self-Care Treatments

1) Take a Bath – whether I’m in a good or bad mood, a long, warm bath is one of my favorite ways to unwind for a bit. I give myself an hour of no talking or over-thinking and instead, sit in complete silence and just enjoy the quietness and relaxation of it (trust me, you can’t go wrong). And while you’re at it, buy your favorite bath bomb!

2) Drink Iced Coffee While Binge Watching Netflix – ahhh, that first sip of cool, refreshing coffee while I watch Good Girls and sit on my cozy bed (I live for it). If you have a Keurig, great! If not, run over to Dunkin’ Donuts and order a coconut iced coffee with their option of 20% more caffeine (yes, Dunkin’ give us the energy we need) and then plop down on the couch, kick your feet up, and pick out a Netflix show that tickles your fancy.

3) Clean Your Room – I know, it sounds crazy, but how can you vibe if you’re surrounded by a mess? You just can’t! So, pick your clothes up off the floor and bring out the vacuum. If you’re feelin’ wild, re-decorate too (make your room feel like your happy place and hang up new, cute wall art or buy a new bedspread).

4) Buy a Face Mask – It’s a given! How can you have the proper self-care treatment without a nourishing Shea Butter or Brightening Lemon mask to clean those pores and leave your skin feeling super soft??? Ladies, go to Target right now and get one!

5) Shop Till You Drop Queen – head over to the mall and spend a lil extra cash on something for your next girls’ outing or get comfy pjs for a night in! Either way, you can’t go wrong with a super cute outfit that makes you feel fabulous!

6) Cuddle With Your Pet – this is the best kind of self-care, hands down. Pet your dog, cat, ferret, whatever you got and snuggle right next to your bff on the couch. You’ll love it and so will they!

7) Get Your Hair Done – your hair is the crown on your head! Treat it right and make an appointment at a salon for some highlights or a new cut (maybe a bob style if you’re down to experiment). I recently cut my hair shoulder length and got red highlights to try something new and let me tell ya…I AM VIBING WITH IT!

8) Zoom Your Best Pals – I call my friend, Lydia, on Zoom every Friday night to catch up with her and watch a movie. It’s my favorite day of the week, because I get to see my gal pal and keep in touch despite being states away. She keeps me sane with all the craziness of the COVID and gives me a fun night to chill, spill some tea, and almost always, watch a scary movie (sorry, not sorry Lydia hehe).

9) Get Lost in a Good Book – whether it’s an Agatha Christie Novel or a light rom com story, take the night off and go on a journey with the characters. Forget about your latest to do list and crack open a book that gets you so hyped, you just can’t put it down!

10) Paint Like Picasso – get to paintin’! Choose your favorite quote or draw your pet on a canvas. Who cares if it looks like the work of a six-year-old?? If you want to try something fun and laid back, head over to Michael’s and purchase what you need for a chance to get crafty and have a fun time while doing it.

These are just a few of my go-to, self-care treatments. The list is endless, believe me! I’m always coming up with new ways to keep my mental health vibing & thriving! If you don’t find any of these tips worthwhile, create your own. Whatever floats your boat! Self-care is all about what makes you relax and calm, so do just that!

Firefly Lane is my current, favorite read. Check out the new show on Netflix too (my girl, Katherine Heigel, is in it)!

“If you feel “burnout” setting in, if you feel demoralized and exhausted, it is best, for the sake of everyone, to withdraw and restore yourself.” – Dalai Lama

Miss Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice Blogger

Alive & Kicking

Raise your hand if you love pumpkin spiced lattes, flannels and ripped jeans, and watching late night scary movies (I’m raising my hand real high)! If you don’t, bye! Seriously though..fall has to be my favorite time of year and of course, you know I love fall break (every college student does). It’s that beautiful, long weekend consisting of breathing again and escaping the madness of endless academic writing and reading.

Okay, most likely I’ll spend the time away finishing homework but it’s fine! I’ll still do fun activities with friends and family. It’s all about balance & prioritizing, people!!

Yeah, you could say I’ve had a lil vacay from the blog. I know, I know. I went MIA but junior year of college will do that to you.

Life Update

I’ve been absorbing all my time in classes, my internship for the office of Communications and Marketing at Cairn University, babysitting furry babies, and trying to keep a social life going. It’s not easy! Part of me wishes I’d just finish and grab my diploma already. The other part of me wants to live in the moment, taking in the stress along with the joy.

A few weeks ago, I went to Cairn’s annual garden party at the president’s house. I fondly remember the night; dancing, cute dresses, yummy food, and 50’s swing dance music. Sometimes, those rare escapes from reality and treasured fun with friends are all you need to survive college and keep going.

Self Care

Self care is so important and yet, I forget all the time. Instead, I overthink and worry about grades and endless to do lists. I fail to get the rest I need and relax in general. Let me tell you, SELF CARE IS IMPORTANT AND SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN LIGHTLY. God wants us to enjoy life and doesn’t want us miserable, hanging on by a thread.

So..make sure you queeze in free moments to pray, nap, take a bath, read for fun or heck, blog like me. These are some of the best self care tips I can recommend, and I hope you consider using at least one (it’ll make those exhausting days a pinch less stressful, trust me).

10.13.19Fall Break Update

Three more days left of fall break! I managed to go pumpkin picking with my friend Krystal (a ridiculous amount of fun). We went to my favorite place since my younger years – Atlantic Farms. We pet and fed carrots to sweet goats, a silly llama, donkey, cows and of course… ADORABLE SHEEP. Oh! And we also took super cute pumpkin picking/feeding animal photos for instagram (BASIC BUT CUTE).

Oh and yeah, I can’t forget the lovely, crisp fall weather we had today.. it felt glorious (not too hot or cold- just right for a flannel and ripped jeans kind of outfit)! Let me tell you, fall activities are the best! It really puts me in the mood for spooky, October fun and November coming up soon (HELLO THANKSGIVING). What can I say? I’m living my best life!!

Happy fall, ya’ll!!

Xoxo, Cheabae- the pumpkin spice and everything nice blogger