The Significance of Hot Chocolate

Ahh, a nice warm cup of hot chocolate with whip cream on top. Creamy, chocolaty goodness. Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?

It’s perfect for late cold nights watching movies after you spent all day at the office. One last treat before bed time, right? A lil chocolaty treat to make your night a little brighter and sweet. And when you have a cute mug to pour it in, yes, EVEN BETTER. I have so many cute mugs to choose from, making it EVEN EXTRA BETTER.

I think everyone should have endless hot chocolate during the winter. It’s funny… hot chocolate reminds me of my childhood. Brad, my brother, and I, would get so excited when it snowed. We would watch it slowly come down and then when it snowed enough, put on our snow suits and go play in it. We would be freezing and come back in the house covered in snow after snowball fights and snow angels and playing with our sled. Mom would have the hot chocolate ready with whip cream and we would put on our robes to get all toasty warm.

Hot chocolate brings back happy little memories of simpler times. I LOVE how a sweet drink can take you back to a special moment in your life. It’s funny… just yesterday I was eight, and today, twenty-six. I’ll look back one day and say…it’s funny… just yesterday I was twenty-six, and today, fifty.

But every time I drink hot chocolate, I’m eight again… even if it’s just for a moment.

January— a Chilly Month

January, in any state, any country— NOT THE VIBE. Today, I sit here, cold— freezing— in need of 1,000 blankets. It’s raining and dark, dreary outside. It’s the kind of day where you don’t want to do anything. You just want to cuddle with your dog and watch a movie and of course—nap.

If I had to pick a least favorite month of the year… it would 100% be January. Even in the desert, it’s a nightmare kind of month. You just want to blast the heat in your car. You want to live in sweats and fuzzy socks. Who needs to leave the house? Not me! Just kidding… I still have to go out to work and do all the normal activities I always do. Unfortunately! If only I could avoid responsibilities until the weather is in the 70s again!

I guess we can’t take a month off from life and just stay inside the house and keep warm? It’s a bummer… isn’t it?

To get through January, I recommend a few things for you. A few tips to keep you going and get you through the worst month ever! I have to say, too, I think it’s low-key depressing this month because the holidays are over, and we’re all broke from all the holiday shopping.

Anyway… tips, yes! Here we go!

1) Don’t go out too much besides grocery shopping, work… things you have to do

2) Hot chocolate every night

3) Never leave the house without a coat (and throw on a scarf and hat while you’re at it)

4) Have a blanket in your car at all times

5) Cuddle with your pets

6) Have more self-care nights at home (face mask and wine anyone?)

7) Watch movies on the couch wrapped in a robe and cozy slippers on the feet

8) Take warm bubble baths

9) Watch summer movies and TV shows to warm you up

10) Nap at least once a day

Good luck surviving January, bloggers! Stay warm (as best you can).