Dear Sedona

Dear sweet Sedona pup,

I love you so much. I’m happy when you’re happy. I’m sad when you’re sad. I’d do anything for you. Anything. I just want you to live forever and love every moment you spend with me.

It’s hard knowing I can’t save you from the pain you face. I can’t fix your back legs. I can’t fix the pain in your hips. All I can do is give you medicine, take you to the vet, pray God heals you, pray He gives you more time with us.

If I could take all the pain away for you… I would in a heartbeat. I just want you to smile with your lil canine teeth and wag your nub of a tail 24/7. Seeing you like this, well… it breaks my heart…to say the least.

I wish I met you sooner in life and had even more time with you. But, I’m still so grateful. I wouldn’t trade the past 3 years I got to know you for the world. You have brought all the joy into my life. I felt so lost when I lost my childhood dog, Emma. You helped me through it. You put a smile on my face again. You made me laugh with your prancing around and being silly. You made me loved with your kisses and hugs. Thank you, my sweet girl.

Getting to cuddle and watch movies with you on the couch, going for walks, eating lil snacks together, taking all the cute pictures… I treasure every moment I have spent with you. I’ll continue to until the very end.

I promise to make the time you have left here on earth special and full of love and snuggles. You’re my best friend. You always will be. I love you to infinity and beyond (I know Toy Story is your favorite movie).

Love always and forever,

Your Chea

How to Get Over a Breakup the Chea Way!

Still smiling— still hanging in there

I had a boyfriend. He was great. He made me feel special— beautiful even. He treated me so well and made me feel comfortable and safe with him. Then, he broke up with me. I’m not mad because I know sometimes relationships just don’t work out. I don’t hate him or anything at all. In fact, we’re staying friends— it’s just hard. He’s going through personal stuff right now and can’t handle a serious relationship and that’s OK.

Does it hurt? Having someone break up with you, no matter what reason, is hard and hurts a lot. I wish we were still together. I miss just spending time with him and doing fun activities whether mini golfing or going to see a movie. I miss having someone to hangout with. No matter how long or who you date— it still hurts when it’s over. It hurts to lose that connection and happiness you felt with someone you cared about.

I found keeping busy helps. I’ve found ways to distract myself and not get hung up on the fact it’s really over. And you know something? I’m proud of myself. I didn’t lay in my bed for hours with a pint of ice cream crying as I watch a rom com. Not gonna lie, part of me did want to do that but I didn’t. Instead, I told myself that it’ll all be OK and that it’s just a bump in the road. I’ll get past it and soon— smooth sailing again. It hurts, I’m sad… but I’m going to move forward— not backward.

I did find a few ways to cope and feel better with some much needed self-care! The best ways to mend a broken heart are the simple, little things that bring a pinch of joy back to your heart.

Try these if you’re feeling down over a breakup, friend!

1) Do a fun activity with a family member or friend (I went pumpkin picking recently with my mom)

2) Retail therapy — buy a few goodies to cheer yourself up!

3) Take your dog for a walk and then hangout and cuddle and watch TV with them (if you don’t have a pet— do this by yourself)

4) Pig out! Order a pizza and get yourself ice cream (why not — cheat days are allowed every now and then)

5) Create a playlist of happy, upbeat songs that will instantly put you in a good mood

6) LISTEN TO TAYLOR SWIFT ON REPEAT (it really is therapeutic— especially the song “All Too Well” from her Red album)

7) Watch your favorite comfort movie (mine is Zootopia… I’m a child at heart)

8) Clean your room (my personal favorite distraction when I’m sad)

9) Go to the gym (workout those sad feelings on the treadmill + you’ll get toned)

10) Write about what happened — write a short story, poem, or even a journal entry about the relationship/experience. It’s a good way to get all those feelings out and sorted once and for all.

11) Pray! God loves you and will get you and I through this difficult time!

Sending hugs and love to you sad, fellow single people out there! xo ~ Chea