How to Make Your Pets Hoppy This Easter

Happy almost Easter! Any of you who are big animal lovers love to spoil your pets as much as you can. I know especially with dogs, holidays like Easter are a good excuse to give them extra treats, toys, and snuggles.

I miss having my Sedona to do an Easter egg hunt with (I would fill those plastic eggs with her favorite cookies). I miss buying her a cute new rabbit stuffed animal and taking fun Easter pictures with her.

It’s hard. I miss my pup and celebrating holidays with her so so much.

I am thankful, though, I can at least spoil my grandma’s puppy, Kona. Isn’t she cute with her bunny ears on in the picture? 🙂

A few suggestions to make your pet feel extra adored this holiday…

1) If your pet is up for it… an Easter egg hunt in the house or outside. Spread the plastic eggs out but make it easy enough for them to find and not get too confused. Put their favorite treats in there. 🙂

2) Stay home and watch TV and relax with them. My pets used to love whenever I’d be home all day for a holiday (it brightened their day).

3) Buy them a brand new toy to play with (whether something to chew on or cuddle with like a stuffed animal).

4) Give them a little bit of people food as a special treat (if they don’t have a sensitive stomach, of course).

5) If you can, take them for a walk or outside for extra sunshine.

6) Take some pictures of them (maybe put on the bunny ears… if they allow it). They’ll get extra attention from their person, and you’ll have adorable photos to post on social media.

Happy Easter to you and your pets, fellow bloggers! May it be a relaxing holiday for you all.

Sedona is Home Again

It’s bittersweet. I get Sedona back home with me but I can no longer cuddle and kiss her. Instead, I just have her ashes in a box. I feel sad all over again. I wish I could have physically brought my sweet pitbull/boxer, full of life, playful, silly girl back home… ready to follow me all over the house and stay close by my side. I wish I didn’t have to bring her home in a small box…

It’s so difficult losing a pet. I don’t care how many or what kind of animal you lose… it’s a horrible loss no matter what, when you loved that animal so deeply. So deeply they became your family… best friend. Oh how I wish our pets could live so much longer. We will never get enough time with them. Never.

Sedona is free and running around, prancing, jumping high in the air, enjoy life again. I just wish she was back here and not so far away. I know she’s with Emma now, but I wish they were both here with me. We all have those good and bad days. And right now, I’m sad. I want Sedona back. I want Emma back. I want my dogs to be by my side bringing all the joy and laughter into my life. I miss and love them so much.

I know they’ll send me another dog to look after, just like Emma sent Sedona my way. This time, they’ll find me a sweet dog together.

Sending all my love to my girls who are playing right now over the Rainbow Bridge.

“Sometimes losing a pet is more painful than losing a human because in the case of the pet, you were not pretending to love it.” –Amy Sedaris

Eat, Drink, & Be Thankful

Who doesn’t LOVE Thanksgiving? A holiday filled with our favorite foods like turkey and mashed potatoes, pumpkin pies (YUM) – all the good stuff. And a holiday to remind us how it important it is to be thankful 24/7, even on our worst days. I’m guilty of forgetting to stay grateful and thank God for all He’s given me, which is pretty bad considering He’s given me WAY MORE than I deserve. I should really be on my hands and knees every day, praising Him for both the big and small joys and even the tough challenges I face. Because through it all, He gives me the strength and courage to move forward (Him alone). With that being said, I’d like to share a few things I’m grateful to God for this year.

10 Things I’m Super Thankful for

1) My relationship with Christ.

2) Having a mom who’s kind-hearted and loving and always down to go on a Dunkin’ run! 😉

3) My sweet pup, Sedona, who came into my life at just the right time.

4) Having a part-time job to get me by until I find a more permanent, full-time one.

5) Iced coffee (don’t care how ridiculous that sounds lol I need my caffeine to function).

6) How I was able to go back to NJ for my friend’s wedding…back in April of this year. It was a short vacay but such a nice time visiting a place I’ll always call home and standing by my friend’s side as she said “I do.”

7) Never having to worry about having a roof over my head.

8) Netflix (obviously haha)

9) Having time to do the things I love – like writing, reading, exploring coffee shops, spending time with my Sedona pup.

10) All the mistakes I’ve made that have taught me and helped me grow as a person.

“I will give to the Lord the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High.” (Psalm 7:17)

6 Reasons to Have a Photo Shoot With Your Furry Friend

The Camera Loves You, Sedona!

Calling all pet lovers! Whether you have a dog, cat, or even a guinea pig, GET PROFESSIONAL PHOTOS DONE OF YOU AND THEM. Trust me, if you love your pet like I love my Sedona, you’ll treasure those photos forever and ever!

My mom and I were able to get these photos taken this past week through the rescue organization we permanently foster Sedona from. It was so nice! We literally got to cuddle and kiss our senior pup as the photographer captured the lovely pictures of us. It was so much fun! Even Sedona was enjoying all the extra attention she got that day! And the camera was loving Sedona’s cute self and adorable canine smile (she didn’t take one bad picture).

6 Reasons Photo Shoots are a Must With Your Furry Companion

1) You get to hangout with your pet while the photos are captured (endless hugs and kisses – your dog will ADORE EVERY SECOND OF IT).

2) It’s something you’ll have to always remember them by. I wish I had professional photos done of my sweet Emma and me. But, I’m grateful I was able to get them done with my Sedona pup.

3) Pets are our family, and we should treat them that way! Don’t leave them out of the family portrait. Include them…PLEASE. Plus, they make the photos 10x cuter! Obviously!

4) IT’S SUPER DUPER FUN! You’ll be laughing and smiling with your pet as you try getting them to look at the camera. (Bring treats with you…it helps).

5) You’ll have beautiful pictures to hang up in your house of you and your sweet furry friend (it’s the perfect decor, just sayin’).

6) It’ll show your pet how much you truly love them! They’ll see the adoration you have for them as you sit there, holding them in your arms and giving them lots and lots of cuddles!

Look for a photographer and set an appointment soon for a super cute photo shoot with your pet! I’m seriously obsessed with how the photos of Sedona turned out. I love them so so much! In fact, I already hung some of these sweet pictures up in my room. You’ll see what I mean when you get your photos done of you and your furry best friend! 🙂

Self-Care Tips Brought to You by Cheabae Xo

Take Care of Yourself, Darling

You’re busy! You work 9-5 Monday through Friday and can barely catch a break on the weekend! Whether you relate or not, let’s face it… sometimes it’s hard to get the self-care we so desperately crave! Do we still need it? Absolutely! Self-care is everything and it’s so important to make time for it. We need to feel refreshed and get our vibe back whether it’s a day of treating yourself or one hour of “me time”. With that being said, here’s a few helpful tips on the best ways to stay healthy and happy!

Cheabae’s 10 Favorite Self-Care Treatments

1) Take a Bath – whether I’m in a good or bad mood, a long, warm bath is one of my favorite ways to unwind for a bit. I give myself an hour of no talking or over-thinking and instead, sit in complete silence and just enjoy the quietness and relaxation of it (trust me, you can’t go wrong). And while you’re at it, buy your favorite bath bomb!

2) Drink Iced Coffee While Binge Watching Netflix – ahhh, that first sip of cool, refreshing coffee while I watch Good Girls and sit on my cozy bed (I live for it). If you have a Keurig, great! If not, run over to Dunkin’ Donuts and order a coconut iced coffee with their option of 20% more caffeine (yes, Dunkin’ give us the energy we need) and then plop down on the couch, kick your feet up, and pick out a Netflix show that tickles your fancy.

3) Clean Your Room – I know, it sounds crazy, but how can you vibe if you’re surrounded by a mess? You just can’t! So, pick your clothes up off the floor and bring out the vacuum. If you’re feelin’ wild, re-decorate too (make your room feel like your happy place and hang up new, cute wall art or buy a new bedspread).

4) Buy a Face Mask – It’s a given! How can you have the proper self-care treatment without a nourishing Shea Butter or Brightening Lemon mask to clean those pores and leave your skin feeling super soft??? Ladies, go to Target right now and get one!

5) Shop Till You Drop Queen – head over to the mall and spend a lil extra cash on something for your next girls’ outing or get comfy pjs for a night in! Either way, you can’t go wrong with a super cute outfit that makes you feel fabulous!

6) Cuddle With Your Pet – this is the best kind of self-care, hands down. Pet your dog, cat, ferret, whatever you got and snuggle right next to your bff on the couch. You’ll love it and so will they!

7) Get Your Hair Done – your hair is the crown on your head! Treat it right and make an appointment at a salon for some highlights or a new cut (maybe a bob style if you’re down to experiment). I recently cut my hair shoulder length and got red highlights to try something new and let me tell ya…I AM VIBING WITH IT!

8) Zoom Your Best Pals – I call my friend, Lydia, on Zoom every Friday night to catch up with her and watch a movie. It’s my favorite day of the week, because I get to see my gal pal and keep in touch despite being states away. She keeps me sane with all the craziness of the COVID and gives me a fun night to chill, spill some tea, and almost always, watch a scary movie (sorry, not sorry Lydia hehe).

9) Get Lost in a Good Book – whether it’s an Agatha Christie Novel or a light rom com story, take the night off and go on a journey with the characters. Forget about your latest to do list and crack open a book that gets you so hyped, you just can’t put it down!

10) Paint Like Picasso – get to paintin’! Choose your favorite quote or draw your pet on a canvas. Who cares if it looks like the work of a six-year-old?? If you want to try something fun and laid back, head over to Michael’s and purchase what you need for a chance to get crafty and have a fun time while doing it.

These are just a few of my go-to, self-care treatments. The list is endless, believe me! I’m always coming up with new ways to keep my mental health vibing & thriving! If you don’t find any of these tips worthwhile, create your own. Whatever floats your boat! Self-care is all about what makes you relax and calm, so do just that!

Firefly Lane is my current, favorite read. Check out the new show on Netflix too (my girl, Katherine Heigel, is in it)!

“If you feel “burnout” setting in, if you feel demoralized and exhausted, it is best, for the sake of everyone, to withdraw and restore yourself.” – Dalai Lama