Did Someone Say National Coffee Day?

I’ve been obsessed with iced coffee for ten years! Ten years I have made Dunkin runs. 10 years I have made my friends meet me at Starbucks for iced coffees. Ten years I have had a coffee in hand like it’s an accessory. TEN YEARS I’VE BEEN A CAFFEINE ICED COFFEE QUEEN. And with today being National Coffee Day, you already know it’s a good day for me.

I have gone to so many coffee shops and tried all kinds of flavors these past ten years (I had to check it all out— I just had to). Let’s just say, I am committed to drinking iced coffee every day, even if it’s just at home — even if it’s just a cup from the Keurig. I can drink coffee all day every, single day— I really can (no joke and as long as it’s iced). And… a decade later… I’m still not tired of the strong, bold flavor and cream and of course, the flavored syrup. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it at this point! I mean, what else would I drink? Iced tea? I think not!

I’m celebrating this lil coffee holiday and a decade of being coffee obsessed with trips to some of my favorite coffee shops to see if they’re offering any free coffees or specials deals today! I know for certain that Dunkin is giving out free coffee today— if you purchase something with the drink (I already stopped there earlier— I couldn’t miss out).

Well, anyway, if you’re a big coffee drinker like me, don’t forget to stop somewhere and get one today. Why miss out on an opportunity to get free coffee?

Everyone deserves to treat themselves every now and then. Today’s the day to do just that, friend! Get your favorite coffee— hot or iced— vanilla or perhaps something different like maple pecan— and live your best life today! 🙂

I like my coffee iced, iced baby! – Unknown

POV: You Just Took a Sip of Your Iced Coffee

What is so magical about a cup of iced coffee? Um… hmmm… let me think… EVERYTHING! And the first sip— it always hits the spot!

The caffeine— the sweetened syrup— the milk— and all over ice— it’s just… delicious! I don’t get those who like warm coffee or no coffee at all. Are ya’ll OK? Oh and I don’t get those who like their coffee black. That’s just too bland for me.

There’s something about iced coffee that gets me going— puts a spring in my step. And it tastes cool and refreshing. It’s the perfect treat for me any time of day, whether while I’m out running errands or after the gym or even early in the morning to start my day. No other drink seems to do the trick except iced coffee.

So, where am I going with this? I’ll tell ya! I’m here today to blog about the best iced coffee flavors from different coffee shops I LOVE. You got options, my friend. Never limit yourself to making a cup of iced coffee or iced latte at home from the Keurig because let’s be honest, it’s not as good as one from Starbies or perhaps Dunkin’! 😉

Best Iced Coffee/ Iced Latte Drinks to Brighten Your Day – AZ Edition

1) Toasted vanilla & cinnamon dolce (Starbucks)

2) Butter pecan & birthday cake (Dunkin’)

3) Hazelnut (McDonald’s – I go everywhere for coffee- even this place haha)

4) Coconut (Ebb & Flow)

5) Cocomo (coconut mocha flavored/ Dutch Bros)

6) Annihilator (chocolate macadamia nut breve flavored / Dutch Bros)

7) Caramel Blondie (caramel white mocha flavored/ Black Rock Coffee Bar)

8) Island latte (coconut and macadamia nut flavored/Colados and Crepes)

9) Cookie Buttah latte (Enroute)

10) Cinnamon cookie latte (DeGino Coffee Bar)

Go ahead & treat yourself to an iced coffee— right now!


I’m really into writing free verse poems, so here’s a lil iced coffee poem… because why not?

The Iced Coffee Queen

By Chea Kostbar

As soon as she wakes up,

She runs to Starbucks

As fast as she can.

She needs that caramel iced coffee

You know, the one with cream and sugar

The one that gives her the perfect caffeine fix.

They know her by name now

All the workers do

She’s a regular.

She goes almost every day

Rain or shine

Long or short line

All for a cup of iced coffee—

Venti size.

She’s obsessed— can’t you tell?

Self-Care Tips Brought to You by Cheabae Xo

Take Care of Yourself, Darling

You’re busy! You work 9-5 Monday through Friday and can barely catch a break on the weekend! Whether you relate or not, let’s face it… sometimes it’s hard to get the self-care we so desperately crave! Do we still need it? Absolutely! Self-care is everything and it’s so important to make time for it. We need to feel refreshed and get our vibe back whether it’s a day of treating yourself or one hour of “me time”. With that being said, here’s a few helpful tips on the best ways to stay healthy and happy!

Cheabae’s 10 Favorite Self-Care Treatments

1) Take a Bath – whether I’m in a good or bad mood, a long, warm bath is one of my favorite ways to unwind for a bit. I give myself an hour of no talking or over-thinking and instead, sit in complete silence and just enjoy the quietness and relaxation of it (trust me, you can’t go wrong). And while you’re at it, buy your favorite bath bomb!

2) Drink Iced Coffee While Binge Watching Netflix – ahhh, that first sip of cool, refreshing coffee while I watch Good Girls and sit on my cozy bed (I live for it). If you have a Keurig, great! If not, run over to Dunkin’ Donuts and order a coconut iced coffee with their option of 20% more caffeine (yes, Dunkin’ give us the energy we need) and then plop down on the couch, kick your feet up, and pick out a Netflix show that tickles your fancy.

3) Clean Your Room – I know, it sounds crazy, but how can you vibe if you’re surrounded by a mess? You just can’t! So, pick your clothes up off the floor and bring out the vacuum. If you’re feelin’ wild, re-decorate too (make your room feel like your happy place and hang up new, cute wall art or buy a new bedspread).

4) Buy a Face Mask – It’s a given! How can you have the proper self-care treatment without a nourishing Shea Butter or Brightening Lemon mask to clean those pores and leave your skin feeling super soft??? Ladies, go to Target right now and get one!

5) Shop Till You Drop Queen – head over to the mall and spend a lil extra cash on something for your next girls’ outing or get comfy pjs for a night in! Either way, you can’t go wrong with a super cute outfit that makes you feel fabulous!

6) Cuddle With Your Pet – this is the best kind of self-care, hands down. Pet your dog, cat, ferret, whatever you got and snuggle right next to your bff on the couch. You’ll love it and so will they!

7) Get Your Hair Done – your hair is the crown on your head! Treat it right and make an appointment at a salon for some highlights or a new cut (maybe a bob style if you’re down to experiment). I recently cut my hair shoulder length and got red highlights to try something new and let me tell ya…I AM VIBING WITH IT!

8) Zoom Your Best Pals – I call my friend, Lydia, on Zoom every Friday night to catch up with her and watch a movie. It’s my favorite day of the week, because I get to see my gal pal and keep in touch despite being states away. She keeps me sane with all the craziness of the COVID and gives me a fun night to chill, spill some tea, and almost always, watch a scary movie (sorry, not sorry Lydia hehe).

9) Get Lost in a Good Book – whether it’s an Agatha Christie Novel or a light rom com story, take the night off and go on a journey with the characters. Forget about your latest to do list and crack open a book that gets you so hyped, you just can’t put it down!

10) Paint Like Picasso – get to paintin’! Choose your favorite quote or draw your pet on a canvas. Who cares if it looks like the work of a six-year-old?? If you want to try something fun and laid back, head over to Michael’s and purchase what you need for a chance to get crafty and have a fun time while doing it.

These are just a few of my go-to, self-care treatments. The list is endless, believe me! I’m always coming up with new ways to keep my mental health vibing & thriving! If you don’t find any of these tips worthwhile, create your own. Whatever floats your boat! Self-care is all about what makes you relax and calm, so do just that!

Firefly Lane is my current, favorite read. Check out the new show on Netflix too (my girl, Katherine Heigel, is in it)!

“If you feel “burnout” setting in, if you feel demoralized and exhausted, it is best, for the sake of everyone, to withdraw and restore yourself.” – Dalai Lama

Iced Coffee Queen

Shopping in DSW with my hazelnut iced coffee
Shopping in DSW with my hazelnut iced coffee

Always Caffeinated

My friends: “You always have an iced coffee in your hand.”

Me: “It keeps me grinding.” (A pun/true fact).

It’s funny because in the Fall 2019 semester at Cairn University, I wrote an article for my Freelance Writing class on the dangers of drinking too much coffee and how college students should switch to green tea for energy. You could say I need to practice what I preach (I tried the green tea for a lil while but went back to the iced coffee not long after). Once you get addicted, you tend to stick with the coffee and look at tea with disgust. Props to anyone who switches to tea over coffee.

Addicted to Butter Pecan Iced Lattes

I love the taste, smell, and that satisfying buzz of caffeine, making me productive throughout almost the entire day. Honestly, I’ve reached a point in my life where if it wasn’t extremely unhealthy, I would drink coffee three times a day as meals (someone send me to a therapist & support group).

I have had way too many different iced coffee drinks with flavors like butter pecan at Dunkin Donuts to Lavender at Johnson Hall to coconut mocha at my newly discovered, favorite place- Dutch Bros (Arizona has some trendy, hipster coffee places).

Iced coffees, lattes, frappuccinos- give me all the coffee drinks and I’m in Heaven. I could write a novel on this obsession of mine, I really could. Perhaps that’s why I wrote an open letter to iced coffee awhile back in one of my blog posts (I’m also silly and weird, that’s another reason why I made that post).

You’ve Lost Your Mind

Yes, every single one of you is judging me whether high or low-key on my obsession for coffee but let’s be real, we all have that one food or beverage item we can’t give up (especially cold turkey). My mom always has to have her unsweet iced tea with lemon and 4 splendas on the side (she likes to sweeten it herself), while my Gigi lives for her daily diet coke fix and my friend Lydia has to have her coffee black (no sugar or cream..I don’t know how she can drink it like that, I really don’t). We all have those yummy treats we love oh so much and yeah, maybe we should try to quit our bad habits but at the same time, why stop a good a thing? 😉

By the way, these masks are getting in the way of my iced coffee sipping (as you can see in the picture above). Cannot wait for life to go back to normal. The days when we didn’t have to worry about running out of toilet paper and hand sanitizer (what a time). Don’t get me wrong, things are slowly getting better, especially in Arizona! More places are opening up, including stores like Kohls and restaurants like Olive Garden but it’s definitely going to be a long time before everything is 100% better and we all feel safe. For now, all we can do is keep washing our hands and practicing social distancing and of course, PRAYING (God is here for those who seek him all the time, don’t forget that).

Keep staying healthy & clean… and POSITIVE, bloggers! And drink an iced coffee while you’re at it!