Ten Ways You Can Be a Better Friend! :)

“I found out what the secret to life is; friends. Best friends.” – Fried Green Tomatoes

It sounds simple. To be a better friend, you show up and support them. You treat them right and let them know that no matter what, you’ll be there for them through thick and thin. But I think there’s more to it than just being there. I think friendship takes work. Hard work. Even when you don’t see eye to eye, have very different opinions, you can’t give up on each other. Even when you both have contrasting interests and are going in different directions, you still need to make sure you’re in each other’s lives. You need to keep growing in the friendship even when life gets hard.

I found ten helpful ways to keep the friendships I have in my life still going strong through all the ups and downs life throws at us— including me moving across the country from them. I hope these are helpful and encouraging for you! 🙂

1) Make it a point to text or call your friend at least once month. If you can, once a week is better, but like I said, life gets crazy busy. Show them you’re still thinking about them and care about what’s going on in their life. By doing this, it will make them feel special and loved that you took time out of your day to reach out.

2) Meet up with them over coffee or tea to talk in person (hard for me right now, but when I visit Jersey— I 100% will). Let them vent to you about anything going on in their life and vice versa. It can be hard to always meet in person if you both have busy schedules, but if you can, it’s always better to meet up in person. And be open and honest about all that’s going on in your life and let them do the same. Trust is key in a friendship.

3) Put your phone away when you do hangout. Be fully present and give your complete undivided attention. There’s nothing worse than when you’re pouring out your heart to someone and they’re busy texting on their phone and half-listening.

4) It doesn’t always have to be serious conversations. Don’t forget to have fun! Get your nails done together, go to the beach, or go shopping and laugh and have a good time. When I lived close to my friend, Mel, we would go shopping at the Freehold Mall and spend time trying on pink, sparkly dresses then getting cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory. We would have a blast and forget all about exams and papers we needed to get done for school.

5) DON’T JUDGE THEM. That’s a big one. Who wants to be friends with someone who’s judgmental and doesn’t support you even when you’ve hit a rough patch?? We need to feel safe to tell our friends everything— the good, the bad, and the ugly. Remember: nobody is perfect.

6) Pray for them. I always try and pray as much as I can for my friends— that they’re happy and content with their lives. And if they’re looking for a new job or having a tough time in a relationship, I’ll pray for that as well. Whatever they need help with, I pray for them. Prayer is so powerful and important and it’s always nice to include your friends in the conversation you have with God.

7) Be sensitive towards their feelings. When they open up to you, don’t shut them down or make them feel like they need to take your advice on a certain matter. They need to make their own decisions and need you to just say, “Whatever you decide, I’m here for you 110%.”

8) Words of affirmation. Show them love by saying they look great today— love the hair, love the shoes, etc. Tell them you appreciate them or any nice thing you want to say to them. Just make them feel loved by saying something positive about them every now and then. You can even do this on social media when they post a photo. Write a nice comment— make them feel fabulous!

9) Write them a letter! Letters are soooo thoughtful. Why? Because who takes the time to sit down and write an actual letter these days?? I do it every now and then and all my friends love getting one from me.

10) Stay loyal. Don’t ditch your friend to hangout with a boyfriend or other friend when you already made plans with them. It’s not only rude but shows them they are not top priority and not as important as the other people in your life.

Treating your friends right goes a long way. My three closest friends have been in my life for at least a decade now. And one friend I literally have been besties with since we were babies. Those are the best kinds of friends to have. Ones who see past your flaws and love you even at your worst. Go out of your way and show your friends some extra love today!

F.R.I.E.N.D.S Experience

I’ll Be There for You

We love the show Friends (can ya tell)! So of course, my mom sees an ad on Facebook about the F.R.I.E.N.D.S Experience in Phoenix, AZ. We obviously had to go check it out! Me, my mom, and brother went (Dad isn’t a fan as much as we are). They had the iconic couch and water fountain to their apartments, Central Perk set, wigs of Rachel’s various hairstyles and a few other exciting things! 10/10 would recommend for those who love this classic sitcom.


Basically the experience is all about taking photos and reading fun facts about the show as you pass some of the exhibits. It’s a fun thing to do on a weekend afternoon and takes about 30-40 minutes to walk through. They also had a little gift shop!

Keep in mind, you do have to wear your mask going into the place. But, in a few spots you’re allowed to take off your mask for some of the pictures (not all).

I’ve watched Friends since I was little. It’s one of those shows that is timeless and has such an all star cast. Ross, Monica, Rachel, Phoebe, Chandler, and Joey – they all make the show so funny with their shenanigans. I also love how it’s in New York (one of my favorite places to visit). I may be a Seinfeld fan but I love Friends just a little more. 😉

Top 10 Favorite Lines From Friends

1) “How you doin’?” – Joey

2) “You don’t own a TV? What’s all your furniture pointed at?” – Joey

3) “I’m hopeless and awkward and desperate for love!” – Chandler

4) “Pivot!” – Ross

5) “See? He’s her lobster.” – Phoebe

6) “Come on, Ross, you’re a paleontologist. Dig a little deeper.” – Phoebe

7) “It’s like all of my life everyone has always told me you’re a shoe, you’re a shoe, you’re a shoe, you’re a shoe. And then today, I just stopped and I said, what if I don’t want to be a shoe? What if I want to be a purse, you know, or a hat?” – Rachel

8) “Well, maybe I don’t need your money. Wait, wait, I said maybe!” – Rachel

9) “Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You’re gonna love it.” – Monica

10) “I’ve got this uncontrollable need to please people.” – Monica

Friendship: What Does it Mean to You?

The Perfect Friend?

Is there such a thing as the perfect friend? The kind of friend who is constantly there for you no matter what, will drop everything for you at a moments notice? No. There’s no such thing. And that’s okay! We’re only human and if we had a perfect friend, we would still manage to find something wrong about them. If you want a perfect friend, build a robot or something!

I love my friends and how each of them has their own, unique personality that make them fun and great to spend time with. If I want to talk about coffee and go on an adventure, I hangout with Kayley. If I want to relive my childhood and watch Lizzie McGuire, I call Mel. If I want to laugh for hours, I get together with Lydia. If I want to get in shape, I hit up Julia. If I want to take silly pictures and spill tea, I give Kayla a ring. If I want to get Dunkin’ iced coffee and go shopping, I grab my mom. If I want to go for a long walk, I wake my pup Sedona up from her nap! All my friends (the ones mentioned and ones not mentioned in this post) are pretty special (to say the least). They make my life 10x brighter! Are they perfect? No! But if they were, our friendships just wouldn’t be as special and down to earth as they are right now.

What Does Friendship Mean to Me?

Friendship to me means offering love and support. It’s creating a bond with someone, not caring who they are or where their from. It means opening yourself up and revealing your vulnerable side, and they still love you regardless. It means doing you’re best to be there for them, no matter how hard it gets. It’s when they can make you laugh but also have a serious conversation with as well.

Friendship is a beautiful thing and when you find your tribe of wonderful people that make you smile and truly care for you 110%, it’s something you never want to let go of. Ever.

What does friendship mean to you? 🙂

“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.” — Muhammad Ali

Miss Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice Blogger

Alive & Kicking

Raise your hand if you love pumpkin spiced lattes, flannels and ripped jeans, and watching late night scary movies (I’m raising my hand real high)! If you don’t, bye! Seriously though..fall has to be my favorite time of year and of course, you know I love fall break (every college student does). It’s that beautiful, long weekend consisting of breathing again and escaping the madness of endless academic writing and reading.

Okay, most likely I’ll spend the time away finishing homework but it’s fine! I’ll still do fun activities with friends and family. It’s all about balance & prioritizing, people!!

Yeah, you could say I’ve had a lil vacay from the blog. I know, I know. I went MIA but junior year of college will do that to you.

Life Update

I’ve been absorbing all my time in classes, my internship for the office of Communications and Marketing at Cairn University, babysitting furry babies, and trying to keep a social life going. It’s not easy! Part of me wishes I’d just finish and grab my diploma already. The other part of me wants to live in the moment, taking in the stress along with the joy.

A few weeks ago, I went to Cairn’s annual garden party at the president’s house. I fondly remember the night; dancing, cute dresses, yummy food, and 50’s swing dance music. Sometimes, those rare escapes from reality and treasured fun with friends are all you need to survive college and keep going.

Self Care

Self care is so important and yet, I forget all the time. Instead, I overthink and worry about grades and endless to do lists. I fail to get the rest I need and relax in general. Let me tell you, SELF CARE IS IMPORTANT AND SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN LIGHTLY. God wants us to enjoy life and doesn’t want us miserable, hanging on by a thread.

So..make sure you queeze in free moments to pray, nap, take a bath, read for fun or heck, blog like me. These are some of the best self care tips I can recommend, and I hope you consider using at least one (it’ll make those exhausting days a pinch less stressful, trust me).

10.13.19Fall Break Update

Three more days left of fall break! I managed to go pumpkin picking with my friend Krystal (a ridiculous amount of fun). We went to my favorite place since my younger years – Atlantic Farms. We pet and fed carrots to sweet goats, a silly llama, donkey, cows and of course… ADORABLE SHEEP. Oh! And we also took super cute pumpkin picking/feeding animal photos for instagram (BASIC BUT CUTE).

Oh and yeah, I can’t forget the lovely, crisp fall weather we had today.. it felt glorious (not too hot or cold- just right for a flannel and ripped jeans kind of outfit)! Let me tell you, fall activities are the best! It really puts me in the mood for spooky, October fun and November coming up soon (HELLO THANKSGIVING). What can I say? I’m living my best life!!

Happy fall, ya’ll!!

Xoxo, Cheabae- the pumpkin spice and everything nice blogger

Polaroids & Long Lasting Memories

I love taking pictures and capturing special moments with family, friends, and furry babies. Making memories with the ones you love is the best thing ever.

The reason why I take and post billions of pictures on social media is because of my grandma. My grandma suffers from dementia and doesn’t remember me or my family. At least, not always. Sometimes I feel her coming back and remembering who she is and who we are, even for a single moment. I love when she briefly comes back- it offers me hope that she’s still there, still the same grandma I once knew.

To jog my grandma’s memory, my family has a photo album of recent and old photos of her and our family sitting in her room at the nursing home, for her to look at when she pleases. It makes her happy when we hand her the album and she goes through it, pointing at people in the photos and smiling at them. Honestly, I believe the pictures help bring her back, allowing her brain to slowly drift to the past. I like to think maybe grandma remembers when we went to Disney world or when she held my hand at pumpkin patch, or when grandpa and her would visit, and he would make silly faces at her while she was talking to us (she would pretend she didn’t know he was behind her doing that, but she knew).

Always treasure photos and the wonderful times spent with the people you love. It’s important to carry those sweet moments of when your grandparents come to visit or when your dog plays fetch with you, or when you go on fun adventures with friends. While you’re living in the moment, take pictures. You can enjoy living in the present and capture it as well, so you can look back and always remember the beauty of life, people and animals who make it wonderful.

You know why I post so many photos on social media? It’s because I want to remember every fun and beautiful memory I make. If someday when I’m older, I go through what my grandma lives with, I want to have as many pictures as possible. I want the chance to be able to drift back and remember those wonderful times, even if it’s brief.

This past Christmas, my mom bought me a pink polaroid. I have to say, by far that was my favorite gift she got me. I love the tiny, square 80’s vintage like photos. I try to always bring my polaroid with me, anytime I go somewhere fun with awesome people. I keep those tiny, square photos hanging on my wall and across my dresser, waking up each day to look at and admire all of them. As I do that, I think back to each memory made and I smile fondly remembering the laughter and happiness of the fun, carefree day. Pictures really are worth a thousand words. Sometimes, you can get more out of a photo than explaining what you did or where you went.

Here’s a quote that stuck out to me and fits right along with this post.

“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.”