Self-Care Tips for the Single Ones This Romantic Holiday

Being single has its perks! You get to focus more on yourself and making yourself happy instead of worrying about anyone else. Sure, receiving flowers and chocolate from someone sounds lovely, but not everyone has that special someone in their life, and you know what? That’s okay! Valentine’s Day is all about love… loving anyone, really. Your pet, a family member, friends… anyone.

Love is beautiful, and a reminder that there is still some good left in this world. Even during this crazy, chaotic time with COVID and everything happening at once, there’s still love. I see it when someone holds the door open for me somewhere. I see it in my senior pups eyes every time she looks at me. I see it when someone pays for the person in front of them at a drive-thru restaurant. Love is all around us. Every day. Even when we may feel at our lowest, it’s still there. We just have to look for it.

Don’t let Valentine’s Day bring you down if you’re single. Instead, embrace the beauty of love. Show some love to the people in your life and most importantly, yourself. And treat yourself with some pampering and much needed self-care this romantic holiday. We all need to treat ourselves every now and then! Even if you didn’t get to show some love to yourself today, do it tomorrow! Make a point to do something for yourself tonight or tomorrow, whether it be a warm bubble bath or a night out on the town or something else that would brighten your mood.

A Few Valentine’s Day/Day After Self-Care Ideas

1) Buy yourself a box of chocolates and a teddy bear

2) Take a warm bubble bath

3) Treat yourself to Olive Garden and bring your friends with you

4) Go shopping at the mall

5) Read a romance novel

6) Watch your favorite rom com and eat ice cream right out of the carton

7) Take your dog (if you have one) for a walk at the park/car ride (they need self-care too)

8) Give yourself a relaxing facial

9) Binge watch your favorite Netflix comfort show (I recommend Sweet Magnolias)

10) Go to the gym and listen to your favorite music while you get your workout on

11) Treat yourself to a slice of red velvet cake (or perhaps chocolate)

12) Journal and make a list of ten things you love about yourself

13) Light a sweet smelling candle

14) Enjoy a warm cup of tea

15) Call a loved one and tell them how special and important they are to you

They Mer-Maid for Each Other – M&M Wedding 04/10/21

#Merbride #Merbridesmaid

Here Comes the Bride

04.10.21 – My best/dearest friend got married this past weekend, and it was beautiful and enchanting from start to finish! Mel married the love of her life, Mike, and from the moment I saw her walk down the aisle to say “I do,” there were tears of joy and smiles all around the chapel. Mike teared up the most, as soon as he saw her in her elegant white gown, walking down the aisle with her dad. It was so sweet the way he looked at her. I always love watching the groom’s reaction when they see the bride (it’s my favorite thing about weddings).

It was an honor to be Mel’s bridesmaid and a part of her special day that felt like a mix of Taylor Swift and Beauty and the Beast vibes (literally everything about it was wonderful). From getting our nails done to hair and makeup and riding in the limo, dancing the night away and eating delicious food…I HAD THE BEST TIME EVER!

Every girl needs to be a bridesmaid at least once in their lifetime. Why? Because you get to have way too much fun preparing for the day and hanging out with the bride and fellow bridesmaids!

The squad

Not gonna lie, I’m not a fan of public speaking and not a big fan of public walking either (I figured out my fear of public walking after walking down the aisle with over 100 people staring at me). Yes, I made the mistake of looking at the people gazing back at me (that was probably a bad idea). But, I made it through, despite the nerves and being the first bridesmaid to walk down the aisle.

Once I got past that part, I was fine! I then got to watch two people head over heels in love profess their adoration for each other in front of all their friends and family (talk about romantic). It was beautiful hearing just how much they care about each other and promise to cherish one another forever, no matter what (pretty sure God was smiling down on them as they said “I do”).

Wedding & A Mini Vacay?

That’s right, ya girl traveled all the way from AZ to NJ just to help make Mel & Mike’s wedding day one for the books! I traveled by myself (took connecting flights – stress level 1,000), and stayed in a hotel alone and basically had an adventure! The flights were a little stressful, but I got to see a glimpse of Charlotte, North Carolina, so that was pretty cool! Also, it’s always exciting for me to look out the plane window at the pretty blue skies and clouds and how everything on the ground looks so tiny (guess that’s why I always pick the window seat). Aside from the plane rides, relaxing in the hotel in my silk robe and coffee in hand was the ultimate self-care that I didn’t even know I needed (gotta treat yourself once in awhile).

Bridesmaid on Duty

Boy, I almost cried when I got my makeup and hair done! I have never felt that pretty ever before in my life (not be dramatic or anything). I felt so glamorous the whole day! Which is another reason to LOVE being a bridesmaid. You get to feel beautiful from head to toe for a whole day in your dress, high heels, and hair and makeup done (BUT NOT AS FABULOUS AS THE BRIDE OF COURSE).

Mel looked like a queen and honestly, that’s probably why Mike teared up as soon as he saw the beautiful bride (pretty much why everyone teared up).

Friends since teenagers!

I haven’t been a part of a wedding party since the 2000’s (I was a flower girl back in like 2005). So, being a part of this wedding was a big thing for me! I still remember the day Mel asked me. When a package from her arrived in the mail, she told me specifically, “Don’t open it until we FaceTime.” I knew something was up after she said that. When we FaceTimed, I open a box with a face mask that read, “Bridesmaid” sitting in it. I obviously screamed and jumped up in excitement.

It was such an honor and a privilege to have been Mel’s bridesmaid and to be a part of one of the best days of her life. I’m so grateful for a friendship like ours. I’ve known Mel since we were just starting college and now we’re both graduated and starting new chapters in our lives. It’s crazy how quickly time flies and how much can happen over years. I love knowing that despite the distance of living in states miles and miles away, she’ll always be a very important person in my life. Mel, if you’re reading this, just know you’re stuck with me for life!

I missed the rain

It was a very short trip but 110% worth it! I enjoyed every second spent in my favorite state, the place I’ll always call home.

Congrats again, Mel and Mike! Wishing you only the best!

And Jersey, I’ll be back again in the near future! I have to come back to see all my favorite people and get a pork roll sandwich (obviously)!

I can Heartly Wait for Feb 14th

Galentine’s Day – an excuse to appreciate your gal pals

Cupid’s Day

Roses, stuffed bears, & chocolate – how could you not love Valentine’s Day? It’s only the cutest holiday of the year! Whether you’re single or in a relationship, appreciate Cupid’s favorite day of year.

Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday (next to Christmas and my birthday). I love everything about February 14th because it fits my personality! It gives me an excuse to wear a cute pink outfit and watch one of my favorite rom coms (Say Anything or Pretty in Pink are my go-to movies).

Having a boyfriend on Valentine’s Day may sound great, but is it really? (Okay, it is if you have one, we get it). But hey, If you’re single like me, here’s what you do! For starters don’t be jealous of cute couples head over heels in love (let them be happy- it’s fine). This is what should be your top priority- go out with the girls and LIVE IT UP! GALENTINE’S DAY IS A THING – FOR REAL. Yes, I know there’s a virus going on, but you can still have fun (just wear your mask & social distance). There’s a few places still open and even if you go out to grab a cup of coffee or get dinner with your girlfrans, you’re doing something! You’re hanging out and not staying at home eating ice cream and crying as you watch To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before cause you’re single.

Not Everyone Needs Their Own Peter Kavinsky

Okay, even if you can’t get together with friends for Feb 14th, take yourself out! Buy yourself a bouquet of roses. Pick yourself up an iced latte from Starbies. Watch the new To All the Boys I Loved Before: Always and Forever (it comes out this Friday). Do you this Valentine’s Day!!!! Stop waiting for your own Peter Kavinsky. (All this To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before references are my way of saying you should watch the movies and read the books asap). Embrace your life for what it is! Relish in your free time. Treat yourself and get the self-care you’ve been too busy for!

Valentine’s Day, Galentine’s Day, or whatever you want to call it… make this lovely little holiday a good one filled with heart puns and too much chocolate! Go out of your way to make this February 14th a perfect day, one that you look back on and say: “It wasn’t all that bad. I had a box of ferrero rochers and didn’t mope over the single life.”

3 more days- who’s counting?

5 Valentine Puns for Your Entertainment

1) Are you a defibrillator? Because you are sending shocks to my heart.

2) I simply donut know what I’d do without you, Valentine.

3) My heart beets for you.

4) Happy Valentine’s Day, cute-tea.

5) I have a whole latte love for you.

A Mermaid Bride & Her Merbridesmaid

The Annie to my Hallie James (Parent Trap)

Wedding Vibes

You know those moments that are so special, you never forget them? You feel so many emotions at once and have nothing but pure joy in your heart. I felt that way when my best friend, Mel, asked me to stand by her side on what will be the most magical day of her life- her wedding day.

It started with mysterious packages she sent me by mail. I eagerly awaited for the arrival of them because who doesn’t like surprises?? I LOVE SURPRISES. Once they arrived, I sent an important snap chat to Mel that they were finally here and patiently waited to Facetime her! She wanted to see my reaction when I opened them, so as hard as it was, I waited until she was available (I almost died waiting..haha just kidding, but seriously..I was so excited).

Will You Be My Bridesmaid?

As soon as I opened my gifts, I said YES before she could say anything! Boy, if I get this excited about becoming a bridesmaid, I’ll be 10x extra the day the love of my life gets down on one knee and proposes (that won’t be for awhile..I love being single too much).

I squealed with delight as soon as I saw the words..”will you be my bridesmaid?” I don’t think Mel was prepared for my reaction, but there I was, ready to stand by my bff’s side as she says “I do” to the guy who makes her smile all the time with spontaneous adventures and even a simple night of bing watching a TV show together. She’s always 100% happy and I know it’s all because of him. I love that for her. I love seeing her face light up when she says his name or when she talks about the time he took her to a trendy resteraunt or went on a day trip with him somewhere super fun. She gets this excitement like no other.. it’s almost, as if, spending time with him is like Christmas morning for her. I mean, who wouldn’t want that? A love so sweet and pure, like a child eagerly waiting to open his/her Christmas presents. It’s beautiful. Their love story is absolutely, breathtakingly BEAUTIFUL.

Yes, Of Course I’ll Be Your Bridesmaid

I said yes to being her bridesmaid not just for an excuse to go to a wedding and wear a cute dress and dance my heart out to “Celebration” – Kool and the Gang (although those are good reasons too). No…I said yes because I want to make April 10, 2021, a day she looks back on for the rest of her life as perfect and magical. I want her to have one day where it’s all about her and her love for Mike. I want her to wear an elegant white dress and change her last name, with a day of too much grinning and tears of joy. I want Mel to have a Taylor Swift kind of wedding, filled with “Love Story” and “Today was a Fairytale” vibes. I wouldn’t be her best friend if I didn’t want all these things for her. She deserves them and if I can help make everything perfect, I’m in!

What’s With the Mermaid Blog Title?

So, quick sidetrack but..mermaids, what about it? Mel and I have known each other since our late teens but it wasn’t until our friend Kay went to college in California we really got close (we really bonded over missing her). That’s when we realized we had so much in common! So, I was like..we need a friend hashtag and we both like mermaid stuff, so… Mel was like.. #mermaidsquad and obviously I loved it! Three years later and we’ll throw in the hashtag for just about every Instagram pic! It’s a perfect hashtag for an amazing friendship like ours. And now, she’s gonna be a fabulous mermaid bride and I’ll be her merbridesmaid.. #MermaidSquadWedding. I thought I better explain that, otherwise you might be wondering what’s up with the mermaid stuff. Now you know.


I’m so excited for Mel and Mike and can’t wait to see the next chapter of their lives unfold. Being her bridesmaid is so special to me, knowing I get to help make her day wonderful and that she would pick me to stand next to her on HER BEST DAY EVER. Cheers to my best friend finding the love of her life, I couldn’t be more thrilled for her! Love you, Mel! I’m ready to be your merbridesmaid!!!

I promise to hold your dress when you pee and hand you tissues when you cry happy tears 🙂

“When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” – When Harry Met Sally

Loving Love

I love love. I have always looked at Valentine’s Day as more than just a cheesy, romantic holiday. Yes, I do adore romance and will cry over a Nicholas Sparks film (no shame), but that’s okay! Why shouldn’t I love love?? I can’t help it. I love seeing the guy end up with the girl and they live happily ever after. I love the warmness and hallmark vibe of it all. Let’s just say, February 14th is one of my top favorite holidays (don’t judge, even though I know you are). But, I have to also say this.. there’s more than the cute, cheesy feeling V-Day gives me..

First off, just because I’m single, does not mean I can’t enjoy a day filled with hearts, chocolate, rom coms, teddy bears, etc. I will always adore Feb 14th, because it’s more than couples head over heels in love with each other. It’s about taking time to remind yourself that love is beautiful in so many special, unique ways.

As a Christian, Valentine’s Day is a day to remember Jesus Christ and how he willingly died on the cross for the sins of everyone, all because he LOVED us so much (if you haven’t read John 3:16 in the Bible, I suggest you look it up). If Jesus sacrificing his life to save the world is not the greatest love story of all, then I don’t know what is.

Valentine’s Day is also to show family, friends, and pets how much they mean to you. I got my mom a gift card to Chick-fil-A, (I know, I’m the best daughter out there 😉 ) because I wanted to do something nice for her. It was a small act of kindness, and yet, it made her feel appreciated. My mom didn’t care how much I spent or what I got her, but rather the thought I put into to expressing how important she is to me, today and everyday.

It’s a day to give the pets in your life an extra cookie or slice of cheese (I gave Emma cheese and some of my egg this morning. Let me tell you, she was one happy camper). It’s a day to call your Grandma or Grandpa, listening to them tell stories from the past, and tell them about your day (I love talking to my Gigi, whether it’s hearing about her drive-in movie dates..back in the 1950’s, or discussing what happened on our tv shows).

It’s a day to treat yourself. Buy that dress you’ve been checking out in Marshall’s. Spend $5 on a Starbucks drink. Eat a 1,000 calorie cookie. Watch a romantic comedy (while eating that 1,000 calorie cookie and drinking the over priced Starbucks drink). Take a bubble bath. Be happy and throw kindness around like confetti. Because ultimately, Valentine’s Day should be about appreciating God’s unending love for us, making your people and your pets feel special, and giving yourself some love.

See, February 14th can be celebrated by anyone, single or taken..but especially by us single folks. Be willing to see Valentine’s Day for what it truly is, and that’s when you’ll start to enjoy it. I will always celebrate this holiday, because it’s loving love and all it stands for. Appreciate love, people. Appreciate it.

With one final note..

Here’s a few of my favorite quotes about love..❤

“And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” – 1 Corinthians 13:13

“So it’s not going to be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you. Forever. You and me..everyday.” -The Notebook

“Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it.” – A Walk to Remember

“How do you spell love?” – Piglet

“You don’t spell it. You feel it.”- Winnie the Pooh