Coming Home to Your Own Place

06.06.24– I moved out of my parents house and into an apartment with my brother. There’s something wonderful about coming home to YOUR OWN PLACE and being able to say the apartment belongs to you. I’m so happy. My brother is enjoying it too. We are loving this new chapter in our lives!

2 bedrooms, 2 bath, a kitchen, living room walk in closets, patio— we are all set. And a swimming pool and gym… it’s a good setup!

It’s such a cozy place and near both of our jobs, where instead commuting 2 hours back and forth every day… 10 minutes for me and 20 minutes for Brad. We can sleep more, save gas money, go to more places without having to drive long distance. Lots of perks to moving out of our parent’s home!

I don’t know who needed this more… me or him. It’s been such an adventure! Calling a moving company, signing so many papers, setting up electricity, renter’s insurance, making the apartment feel like home… no small tasks. I feel more of an adult than ever!

Even Etta James loves the new place (she gets to visit us on weekends)! Yep, I think this apartment is safe to call home for a while.

“There’s no place like home.” — Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz

Road Trip by Car!

You’re going on a cross-country trip. Airplane, train, bus, car, or bike?

I would absolutely travel cross-country in a car. You get more out of the trip being in the car…going down the open road. You blast your favorite playlist, put your sunglasses on, and take in the beauty of each state. It’s a vibe, it’s adventure… it’s one of the best ways to travel and get the most out of the trip.

I’ve been on a few road trips over the years and it never fails to bring excitement to my life. I love it. I enjoy seeing it all out the window and reminding myself there’s always so much to see. You’ll never get to see the entire world… but road trips help you get to see a good chunk of it!

If you’ve failed to ever venture on a road trip, stop waiting. Do it. Now. Go on that adventure and have no regrets. It’s now or never. Don’t choose never.

Chea’s Road Trip Playlist

1. “Holiday Road” by Lindsay Buckingham

2. “Take Me Home, County Roads” by John Denver

3. “On the Road Again” by Willie Nelson

4. “Paradise by the Dashboard Light” by Meatloaf

5. “Free Fallin” by Tom Petty

6. “Born to be Wild” by Steppenwolf

7. “Shut up and Drive” by Rihanna

8. “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by The Proclaimers

9. “Don’t Stop Believing’” by Journey

10. “Fast Car” by Tracy Chapman

11. “Running on Empty” by Jackson Browne

12. “Little Red Corvette” by Prince

13. “Sweet Home Alabama” by Lynyrd Skynyrd

14. “Life is a Highway” by Rascal Flatts

15. “Born to Run” by Bruce Springsteen

16. “Mr. Blue Sky” by Electric Light Orchestra

The Barbie Exhibition

My mom had a day off on a Saturday (this is very rare). So, what do we do? We go on an adventure. We had trouble deciding what to do, and then… boom! Mom says, “They have a Barbie exhibit at the Phoenix Art Museum.” Me: “We must go!!!” I mean, how can I, Chea Joanna Kostbar, the girl who loves anything pink and Barbie, say no???

It was a lil piece of Heaven, getting to see all kinds of Barbies throughout decades and enjoying a little history lesson on Barbie— the doll we girls LOVE!

It’s amazing how much work goes into creating these dolls. Little plastic dolls, and yet, so much detail and creativity. And to see how each year… each decade… Barbie progressed. You go from a simple, long legged, blonde haired doll, to the first black Barbie doll, Ken (male Barbie), career Barbies, Malibu beach ones, diverse ones… all of them!

It’s really awesome because it became more than just a toy. It started teaching girls their worth. Showing them they can have the same careers men do. Reminding them to not be racist and instead be open and loving to everyone , no matter the skin color or disability they may have.

Imagine that? A plastic doll full of so many life lessons to teach young adolescents. It’s beautiful. Heart warming.

I hope you LOVE the pictures and videos and want to run (not walk) to the Barbie exhibition. If you are a huge Barbie girl like me, you’ll be living your best life for a few hours.

Thank you for the fun, memorable Saturday, Mom! 🙂

And thank you, Ruth Handler, for creating Barbie and teaching us so much and leaving a lasting impact through a doll. You made history!

Lake Havasu— A Hidden Gem

I found a new fun place! Ladies and gentleman… I GIVE YOU… LAKE HAVASU!

I never even heard of Lake Havasu, AZ, until just a month ago. I went and visited this hidden gem (in my opinion… a hidden gem), this past weekend. I had so much fun! I saw the London Bridge, walked by the water, took lots of pictures, made friends with a horse, went on a ferry ride and was in California for ten minutes (first time to step foot in Cali), ate good food… a perfect weekend overall! Lake Havasu is a mix of Jersey and California (it feels that way). You got the palm trees, sand, water, cool breeze… just seems like a mix of the two states. I think that’s why I loved it so much!

I even got to hangout with the captains of the boat and sit inside with them (very cool experience).

The London Bridge

If I’m being honest, I like Lake Havasu even more than Sedona and Prescott! It’s a perfect lil town in AZ… one I could see myself living in. I hope to someday!

The pictures don’t even do this town justice. It’s 1,000 times more beautiful in person. I wish I could just go up there every day and hop on a boat. I would be such a happy girl doing that all of the time!

I will have to visit Lake Havasu again and again! It’s a must. I need to enjoy more of the sights there and explore all this beachy, fun town has to offer.

Sometimes, we all need a lil weekend getaway to go out and escape the pressures of work. I needed that, I got it, and now I crave more of Lake Havasu! I will say this… I don’t like how it’s 2 hours and 40 minutes from Buckeye! If it was closer, I really would be there basking in the sun and splish splashing in the water every single day of my life.

Oh whale! We’ll sea… maybe one of these days it’ll become my home! (Appreciate my puns… please and thanks).

If you haven’t gotten a taste of this lovely town, and you live in the desert, I say go explore and see for yourself! Make memories and take in the extra sunshine up there. You will see exactly what I’m talking about once you arrive at this charming, hidden gem of a place!

Adventures in Prescott with Mom!

There’s something about visiting different towns in AZ that gets me all excited! I love those towns with the pretty mountains and fun lil shops and historical vibes mixed in. And I LOVE going on adventures with my mom! She’s the best person to see all these cool places with and just have that special mother/daughter time. It means so much to me to get to do these fun things with her and be able to make those precious memories together!

We decided to spontaneously adventure to Prescott on Labor Day. We both had off from work so we thought… “Why not??”

We spent the day going in touristy shops and checking out all the different antiques. We ate at a trendy lil restaurant and had a tasty turkey sandwich and then candy corn iced coffee (Coke soda for Mom). They had a festival going on and we got to see the different venders. And the dogs!!! So many dogs in one town. I got to say hi to all the furry cutie pies!

I even enjoyed the 2 hour drive there and back. I drove past so many beautiful mountains and lots of green in Prescott and cool 70 degree weather. It felt like Mom and I were in Jersey for a day (the state we are originally from).

On the drive back, we did have crazy winding roads and that danger of if you drove to close to the edge and went over… that’s it! Mom did not enjoy the route we took back (sorry, Mom!)

What we did find interesting and sad on the way back— we drove right past Granite Mountain Hotshots Memorial State Park. The park is in memory of the 19 Granite Mountain Hotshot Firefighters, who lost their lives fighting the Yarnell Hill Fire (wasn’t able to take pictures of it, unfortunately). They even made a movie about it… Only the Brave.

It’s safe to say adventuring in Prescott was a 10/10 experience!

Hey Mom! Where should we go next??

The Pretty Lil Town of Sedona

The big 26! That’s right!! I’ve made 26 trips around the sun. 4 years away from 30 and still look like I’ve just celebrated my 18th birthday (I’ll take it, lol).

What did I do for my 26th birthday?? Let me tell you!

My 26th birthday was spent up in the beautiful, charming town of Sedona, AZ. It was extra special because I got to spend it with two of my favorite people— Mom and Grandma.

Birthdays are important, and I like to go all out for my friends and families’ big days, and OK, mine as well!

This year, I picked Sedona because I’ve been wanting to visit since I moved out here (3 years I’ve been wanting to visit). I mean after all, it’s only two hours away from me. It’s a nice lil road trip! Plus, my senior pup shares the same name, Sedona, which means it’s a sign I should explore this town!(; Just saying!

Mom, Grandma, and I had the best time from shopping at the cute, little tourists’ shops to eating a yummy lunch with a view of Sedona’s red mountains and a trolly ride around the town (we even got to see Madonna, Oprah Winfrey, and Sam Eliot’s vacay homes). Oh, and of course, lots of pictures to capture the gorgeous red mountains.

It was a cloudy, rainy day, with the sun only peaking out every now and then, but still— BREATHTAKING. Sedona is absolutely breathtaking. And the weather was lovely. A nice break from the 100s…dropping down to 80s-90s.

It made it even more perfect getting to have my family with me. It’s true when they say it’s not the same seeing these wonderful things or having all the money in the world, without having friends and family to enjoy it with and be by your side. I definitely wouldn’t want to explore Sedona without my people!

So 26… yep, I believe it will be a big year for me. I have a feeling about it. I just know more good things are coming my way. 25 was spent getting a full-time job, buying my first car (brand new), making new friends, starting a new career path, growing, making sweet memories— you name it. 26 is going to be focused on going on little and big trips— and trust me, so much more.

I want to explore all of AZ. I should, you know? I don’t want to miss out on the beauty of the west. I’m all about adventure! And while I’m at it, I must visit the nearby state of Las Vegas! It’s a must!

A few AZ towns I want to check out…

1) Prescott

2) Tucson

3) Jerome

4) Flagstaff

5) Wickenburg

6) Can’t forget about visiting the Grand Canyon!

Time to make some wonderful memories for my 26th year of life!

My First Tattoo

I got a tattoo! I never really thought I would get one. I liked the idea of it but never could seem to head over and actually do it. But, I wanted one. Really bad. So, here I am! I HAVE A REAL TATTOO ON MY BODY.

My cousin and I had been talking about getting matching tattoos for a while now. We went to Dame of the West Tattoo, Scottsdale AZ yesterday (Sunday), and finally got our matching sunflowers (we decided on a sunflower with the help of Pinterest).

It was a fun lil adventure going to get tattoos with my mom and grandma tagging along. Mom, Grandma, and I went and picked up my cousin; Kayla, in Tempe and got lunch at Panera. We went to Club Tempe Tattoo first (since it was nearby but no luck)! The wait was going to be three hours (of course we said no to that).

Kayla and my grandma have matching palm tree tattoos (they got last year) and had there’s done at Dame of the West Tattoo, so we went there! They took us in 20 minutes. Perfect!

The place was such a vibe. Candles lit, plants everywhere, a cozy waiting area, and super friendly tattoo artists— it was a 10/10 experience.

I was nervous I would jump when the needle entered my skin. But, the guy that inked me with a cute lil sunflower was good! He made me feel relaxed and comfortable as I sat on a table, with him holding my leg tight while he traced that sunflower with the ink. He took his time making sure I liked it and it wasn’t a painful experience (which I really appreciated). You don’t want a bad experience getting your first tattoo! And thankfully, I didn’t move my leg too much and was able to sit there pretty still.

It was an easy process, and honestly, not that painful at all. He would stop every couple seconds and wasn’t drilling the needle in the whole twenty minutes. He would take breaks and when the needle was in my skin, it felt mostly like tiny cat scratches. On a scale of one to ten, the pain was a 4. I only got a 2 inch tattoo and no coloring, so it was an awesome experience overall!

I’m glad I did it and can finally cross getting a tattoo off my bucket list.

I think a sunflower tattoo is the perfect first tattoo for me and it’s cool because I did it with my cousin. I got to have a special tattoo bonding moment with her. She’s moving back east in just a couple months, so the tattoo is a nice lil reminder that I have a fun, awesome cousin who was down to get a matching tattoo with me and something to remember her by.

Plus, a sunflower tattoo is known as the “happy” flower. I’m a pretty happy, easy going person and having that on my leg is a reminder that life isn’t perfect, but having a positive attitude and being that ray of sunshine will keep you content (no matter what happens). I just want to live my best life & that’s exactly what I’m doing!

Hmmm… I wonder what tattoo I’ll get next! 😉

25 — A Quarter of a Century Old

Birthdays— a holiday that’s all about you! I live for my birthday (I know I’m very extra) and have ever since I was a kid. I love the presents, cake and ice cream, all the birthday wishes, and getting to do something super fun! I always try to go on some little adventure and make sure to include shopping! My past adventures have included ear piercings, exploring a ghost town, visiting Cape May, NJ, eating cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory, going to the zoo and aquarium, lots of shopping, movies, girls’ nights out, and more!

This birthday, I spent two days celebrating! On Sunday, I got dressed up and took pictures with my 25 number balloons, spent time with my mom and grandma and went shopping and out to eat, and then I finished the night with red velvet cake and mint chocolate chip ice cream and opened presents from my family.

On my actual birthday, I got up early and explored a new park and let my dad treat me to coffee from one of my favorite cafes (Black Rock Coffee Bar 10/10) with breakfast as well. In the afternoon, I got my nails done (YOU HAVE TO REALLY GO ALL OUT FOR YOUR B-DAY) and then I picked up my free birthday coffee from Starbucks and bought myself a new thriller book from Barnes & Noble. At night, I went out with my brother and celebrated some more with a trip to our favorite restaurant, Del Taco, and then we saw the new movie that came out, Minions: The Rise of Gru.

It’s safe to say I had a great 25th birthday! 🙂 I think it’s so important to treat yourself and do all you can to make your birthdays special, no matter what age you’re turning. It’s a way to really start off a new year of your life with good vibes and the hope that it’ll be a great year filled with a lot of beautiful, heartfelt memories.

25 is going to be a special year for me. I grew so much the past year and discovered the importance of being happy and content wherever you’re at in life. I no longer care if I make six figures or have that perfect career job. Yes, those are wonderful things and who doesn’t want to be successful? But now I really know that stuff is meaningless if I’m not happy and living to the fullest. I can’t enjoy the big things until I enjoy the small things. I want to live with purpose. It’s not always easy, but I’m going to try my hardest. I’m starting out by getting excited over silly things like the sunshine and warm weather or getting an iced coffee or spending time watching TV with mom and senior pup or going shopping and buying a cute outfit or face-timing one of my gal pals. It’s those moments that count more than anything else. Whatever happens, I’m gonna be OK. I believe that with all my heart and am so excited to see what adventures I go on this year and what beautiful things happen in my life! I can’t wait to see what happens in chapter 25 of my life!


25 Fun Activities to do on Your B-Day

1) A trip to the mall to buy some clothes, accessories, anything for yourself

2) Visit a new town

3) Go hiking (if it’s not too hot)

4) Get your nails done!

5) Eat at your favorite fancy restaurant and get all dressed up

6) Have a photo shoot

7) Treat yourself to an iced coffee (some apps offer free birthday drinks)

8) Hangout with your bestie!

9) Get your hair done

10) Get a tattoo

11) Have a spa day

12) Go to the beach

13) Try to escape from an escape room with a group of friends or family

14) Treat yourself to cake and ice cream

15) Attend a painting class

16) Stay home all day and have the ultimate self-care day binge watching all your favorite movies & TV shows

17) Get a piercing

18) Venture over to a bowling alley

19) Horseback riding!

20) Karaoke night

21) Feeling wild? SKYDIVING

22) Play mini golf

23) Visit a museum

24) Say hi to the animals at the zoo!

25) Go to the movies

Sunflower Fields & Pumpkin Patches – What a Fall Vibe

Believe it or not, I’ve never been to a sunflower field before! For a basic girl like myself, sounds a bit unreal. But yeah, I have never wandered around and taken cute pictures surrounded by pretty bright yellow sunflowers until… TODAY. It was super fun and the scenery was beautiful – especially with the palm trees in the background! And, I was able to find this sunflower field/pumpkin patch close to my house (even better). I’m telling you, if you do a little research you really can find cool places to check out pretty much anywhere (even in the desert).

If I’m being honest, I miss the east coast quite a bit, and it’s been pretty hard adjusting to a whole different atmosphere out west. I miss the little things, like going to Atlantic Farms in New Jersey in the crisp, fall weather with the leaves falling from the trees (it was magical). I miss picking out a cute, hand-held pumpkin from their patch, feeding the goats and cows, taking loads of pictures with friends, and making a Starbucks run afterwards for a pumpkin spice latte. I really, really miss it. I miss all the fun things I used to do back home with friends and family. But, you know what? All you can do is make the best of a difficult situation and try to find the good in it. So, I did just that. I discovered not one but two places out here in AZ to explore and venture around with my cousin and parents. I found a way to feel like I was in Jersey again through the simple fall adventures of picking out a gourd to carve and decorate and daydreaming/capturing photos in a warm sunflower field. It really is the little things that bring us joy and put a smile on our faces.

If you’re an AZ dweller, I recommend checking out MacDonald’s Ranch in Scottsdale and Rocker 7 Farm Patch in Buckeye! They’re perfect places to visit for all your favorite autumn activities.

“If a year was tucked inside of a clock, then autumn would be the magic hour.” – Victoria Erickson

How I Spent My Summer – 2021 Edition

RIP Summer 2021

Taylor Swift says it best… “August sipped away like a bottle of wine.” August went by pretty quickly… if you ask me. Actually, this whole summer went by fast. It always does though. Summer speeds by and before you realize it, you enter the fall – the season of pumpkin spice and everything nice.

I love the fall, so I’m okay with pumpkin everything and cute, chunky sweaters as the weather starts to cool down. But, it is bittersweet. ‘Cause who doesn’t love the summer? There’s just something lovely about it! I think we LOVE the summer, because it’s relaxing and a time to really just enjoy the warm weather and sunshine and go on more day trips and vacays.

I turned 24 a few weeks ago, so I thought I’d share twenty-four things I did this summer and give you guys a lil update on my life. After all, it’s been a while since I sat down and wrote a lil blog post. Soooo here we go! How I spent my summer…

24 Summer Adventures of Yours Truly

1) Turned 24 on August 15th (I feel old)

2) Took a day trip with mom to Goldfield Ghost Town (on my birthday)

3) added my fourth piercing to both ears

4) drank a lot of iced coffee (forever an addict)

5) Did a big chop on my hair / dyed it red all over

6) Joined a gym

7) Started working out 6 days a week ( pretty consistently)

8) Downloaded the Tik Tok app (against my better judgement)

9) Made ridiculous Tik Tok videos (maybe I shouldn’t have downloaded the app…oops)

10) Learned how to French braid (not a pro, but I’m getting there)

11) Read a few books

12) Celebrated a year of having my sweet senior pup, Sedona, in my life

13) Also celebrated her 11th birthday

14) Got rid of negative energy (if ya know, ya know)

15) Had a photo shoot done of me, my mom, and Sedona pup (the pictures came out super cute…just sayin’)

16) Visited a few new coffee shops (went to Boba for the first time and Royal Coffee Bar and a couple others)

17) Wrote a couple short stories for fun

18) Celebrated my brother’s 26th birthday

19) Treated myself to a cute new vanity table and redesigned my bedroom

20) Binge-watched my favorite TV shows again (we’re talkin’ The Betty Broderick Story, Good Girls, Cruel Summer – all the best shows on Netflix/Hulu)

21) Lots of girls’ nights with mom watching rom coms and eating our fav ice creams

22) Shopped ‘til I dropped on more than one occasion and bought tons of new clothes (specifically workout clothes)

23) Documented my summer on Instagram with fun pictures

24) Became fully vaccinated against COVID-19

Okay, now it’s time for me to buy my pumpkin spice lattes and go pumpkin picking and watch scary Halloween movies!