Comfort is an Absolute Must at Work

My sweet, wonderful, co-worker friend; Flower, got me this super cute blanket hoodie. Yes, those are Corgis and rainbows (I KNOW SUPER DUPER CUTE). Flower is so amazing… she sent me this thoughtful gift just because (and I love her for it)!! Friends like her… those ones are keepers, let me tell you!

Thanks to Flower, I get to be comfortable and feel at ease while I work in the office. I think it’s important, if you can, to be super cozy at work. You’ll still stay motivated but relaxed enough not to get stressed out. And that’s what we desire, right? To not feel overwhelmed and wanting to pull our hair out while we call clients and schedule appointments. Well, at least for me, that’s the case!

I’m sure it’s even better for those of you who work from home! You can make endless trips to the Keurig machine for your coffee while you sit through meetings and type away on your Mac. You can throw on a blanket hoodie like me (thankfully no one really visits in person at the office) and why not grab slippers while you’re at it! Sounds WONDERFUL, doesn’t it?

A few other ways to stay comfy while working (if you can)

1) Play background music (peaceful, soothing tunes)

2) Sit somewhere like a couch or cozy chair that won’t hurt your back

3) Have snacks while you work (a few goodies by your side in case you get hungry)

4) Put up encouraging signs or artwork to give you inner peace and make you feel proud of yourself as you finish all your work tasks

5) Use your lunch break as a nap break!

6) Take deep breathes and quick time outs for the bathroom when you feel the stress coming back

7) Drink all the coffee you can get your hands on (coffee and work go together)

8) If you have pets… cuddle and pet them while you work (they are your emotional support animals … after all)

Remember, being all snug at work is essential! Especially for your mental health. 🙂

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk!

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