Let’s Talk About the Film Where the Crawdads Sing

I told my mom, “We have to see Where the Crawdads Sing— it’s an absolute must!” Mom full-heartedly agreed. We could tell just from the trailer it was no ordinary movie. It’s a film that has a plot like no other. And when we sat there, in our seats, taking it all in, we couldn’t help but walk out of the theater feeling satisfied we went and wanting to talk about the movie like it was book club over ice cream afterwards.

Basic Plot: A girl lives near a marsh and experiences abuse from her father and her mother and siblings experience abuse from him as well. Each family member leaves one by one, escaping the abuse of the father until it’s only her and her dad left in the house. And eventually, her dad leaves too, leaving her all alone to fend for herself in a tiny house near the marsh. She becomes known as an outsider, the “Marsh Girl,” to the folks in town. And the whole movie is pretty much flashbacks from her childhood to the present, leading up to the main focus of the movie. Did Kya, the young girl, the Marsh Girl,” murder Chase Andrews, one of the popular guys in town? Or, is she being blamed simply because everyone finds her strange and sees her as nothing more than marsh trash?

I found that it’s one of those movies I could watch again and again and pick up on something new each time. I’m even reading the book that it’s based off of too! So far, I’m only on page 22, but I cannot wait to read the entire book and compare and contrast it with the movie. It’s definitely going take me some time to read it because I like to annotate and really highlight all the good quotes in it (can you tell I was an English major in college)?

This movie really had everything rolled into one. It had romance, drama, some humor, crime, mystery… all the good stuff. It was a beautiful story overall. And it teaches you to appreciate nature and the wonders of simplicity and to be kind to those who are different than you. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU MAKE A TRIP OVER TO THE THEATER SOON!

A Few Good Men is my favorite movie of all time, but now it’s safe to say it has some competition with Where the Crawdads Sing.

“She knew the years of isolation had altered her behavior until she was different from others, but it wasn’t her fault she’d been alone. Most of what she knew, she’d learned from the wild. Nature had nurtured, tutored, and protected her when no one else would.” — Delia Owens

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