Self-Care Tips for the Single Ones This Romantic Holiday

Being single has its perks! You get to focus more on yourself and making yourself happy instead of worrying about anyone else. Sure, receiving flowers and chocolate from someone sounds lovely, but not everyone has that special someone in their life, and you know what? That’s okay! Valentine’s Day is all about love… loving anyone, really. Your pet, a family member, friends… anyone.

Love is beautiful, and a reminder that there is still some good left in this world. Even during this crazy, chaotic time with COVID and everything happening at once, there’s still love. I see it when someone holds the door open for me somewhere. I see it in my senior pups eyes every time she looks at me. I see it when someone pays for the person in front of them at a drive-thru restaurant. Love is all around us. Every day. Even when we may feel at our lowest, it’s still there. We just have to look for it.

Don’t let Valentine’s Day bring you down if you’re single. Instead, embrace the beauty of love. Show some love to the people in your life and most importantly, yourself. And treat yourself with some pampering and much needed self-care this romantic holiday. We all need to treat ourselves every now and then! Even if you didn’t get to show some love to yourself today, do it tomorrow! Make a point to do something for yourself tonight or tomorrow, whether it be a warm bubble bath or a night out on the town or something else that would brighten your mood.

A Few Valentine’s Day/Day After Self-Care Ideas

1) Buy yourself a box of chocolates and a teddy bear

2) Take a warm bubble bath

3) Treat yourself to Olive Garden and bring your friends with you

4) Go shopping at the mall

5) Read a romance novel

6) Watch your favorite rom com and eat ice cream right out of the carton

7) Take your dog (if you have one) for a walk at the park/car ride (they need self-care too)

8) Give yourself a relaxing facial

9) Binge watch your favorite Netflix comfort show (I recommend Sweet Magnolias)

10) Go to the gym and listen to your favorite music while you get your workout on

11) Treat yourself to a slice of red velvet cake (or perhaps chocolate)

12) Journal and make a list of ten things you love about yourself

13) Light a sweet smelling candle

14) Enjoy a warm cup of tea

15) Call a loved one and tell them how special and important they are to you

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