Dogs: A Cheetah’s Best Friend?

Recently, I have been rummaging through old articles I wrote a couple of years ago for a freelance writing class. I came across one I would like to share with you bloggers! If you love dogs and animals in general, give it a read. After all, you might enjoy the beauty of unique and unexpected friendships between animals that normally don’t hang out.

Dogs: A Cheetah’s Best Friend?

Photo Taken by,

John Gibbons

Dogs are loyal, compassionate animals known as man’s best friend, but did you know they are used to help save an endangered wild cat? In San Diego Zoo Safari Park, dogs are utilized to comfort one of the fastest animals out there- cheetahs. Their calm manner and sweet disposition make cheetahs relax, offering hope of saving and continuing their long line of fierceness.    

   Anxiety in Fierce Cats 

  Cheetahs may appear intimidating and ferocious at first, but taking them out of the wild and placing them in zoos for protection is causing them anxiety. It’s becoming increasingly dangerous letting cheetahs roam in their natural habitat. Poachers seeking to hunt and trap them makes it crucial for zoos to rescue them before it becomes too late.

   Since the 1980s, dogs have been assigned to assist in San Diego Zoo’s captive breeding program for Cheetahs, to comfort the nervous animals and ease them into their captive environment. They suffer from panic and shyness due to being in a new place and taken away from their home- the wild. Their struggles cause difficulty in breeding them, which is why dogs are used to create a special, interspecies friendship. 

   A Safe Friendship?

Cheetah cubs are paired with 3-4 month old puppies to create a stable relationship. It starts with a playdate, where they meet on opposite sides of the fence and go for a walk with their human companions. If they like each other, the trainers allow them to walk on leashes next to each other, making sure they stay safe.

 If they play nice on the leash and form a relationship, they are then allowed off-leash and moved into a shared living space where they spend almost all their time together. 

 When it comes to pairing the animals, dominant dogs are especially helpful for the nervous cheetahs, who show them how to play, relax, and act confident. According to an article, “How Dogs are Helping Cheetahs”, Janet Rose-Hinostroza, an animal supervisor at San Diego Zoo, notices that when pairing the animals, cheetahs look to dogs for cues and learn to copy their behavior, making them calmer like the relaxed, happy pooch. 

  Hopper & Amara 

The program not only benefits cheetahs but also dogs. San Diego Zoo typically rescues dogs from shelters, creating a purpose and hope for them. Hopper, a 45-pound shepherd mix pup, was saved from euthanization and now works with Amara, one of the toughest cheetahs at the zoo. Before they met, Amara had an instinct to growl and hiss and then run off. After meeting Hopper, she noticed the dog’s perky ears, wagging tail and relaxed demeanor, making her change  her attitude and become calm from Hopper’s body language. 

  Cheetah & Dog Friendships Trending 

The Cheetah and dog interaction is becoming a worldwide approach for almost every zoo, with San Diego being the first and now Columbus, Cincinnati, and Metro Richmond following in suit.  With more zoos participating in the program, the cheetah population is on the rise.


Bove, Jennifer. “How Dogs Are Helping Cheetahs.” ThoughtCo, ThoughtCo, 1 May 2019,

CBS News. “How an Unlikely Friendship Is Saving Cheetahs.” CBS News, CBS Interactive, 5 July 2016,

Gibbons, John. “Cheetah and Dog.” 2012.  

Williams, Doug. “Unlikely Allies.” Tribune, San Diego Union-Tribune, 4 Sept. 2016,

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