A Mermaid Bride & Her Merbridesmaid

The Annie to my Hallie James (Parent Trap)

Wedding Vibes

You know those moments that are so special, you never forget them? You feel so many emotions at once and have nothing but pure joy in your heart. I felt that way when my best friend, Mel, asked me to stand by her side on what will be the most magical day of her life- her wedding day.

It started with mysterious packages she sent me by mail. I eagerly awaited for the arrival of them because who doesn’t like surprises?? I LOVE SURPRISES. Once they arrived, I sent an important snap chat to Mel that they were finally here and patiently waited to Facetime her! She wanted to see my reaction when I opened them, so as hard as it was, I waited until she was available (I almost died waiting..haha just kidding, but seriously..I was so excited).

Will You Be My Bridesmaid?

As soon as I opened my gifts, I said YES before she could say anything! Boy, if I get this excited about becoming a bridesmaid, I’ll be 10x extra the day the love of my life gets down on one knee and proposes (that won’t be for awhile..I love being single too much).

I squealed with delight as soon as I saw the words..”will you be my bridesmaid?” I don’t think Mel was prepared for my reaction, but there I was, ready to stand by my bff’s side as she says “I do” to the guy who makes her smile all the time with spontaneous adventures and even a simple night of bing watching a TV show together. She’s always 100% happy and I know it’s all because of him. I love that for her. I love seeing her face light up when she says his name or when she talks about the time he took her to a trendy resteraunt or went on a day trip with him somewhere super fun. She gets this excitement like no other.. it’s almost, as if, spending time with him is like Christmas morning for her. I mean, who wouldn’t want that? A love so sweet and pure, like a child eagerly waiting to open his/her Christmas presents. It’s beautiful. Their love story is absolutely, breathtakingly BEAUTIFUL.

Yes, Of Course I’ll Be Your Bridesmaid

I said yes to being her bridesmaid not just for an excuse to go to a wedding and wear a cute dress and dance my heart out to “Celebration” – Kool and the Gang (although those are good reasons too). No…I said yes because I want to make April 10, 2021, a day she looks back on for the rest of her life as perfect and magical. I want her to have one day where it’s all about her and her love for Mike. I want her to wear an elegant white dress and change her last name, with a day of too much grinning and tears of joy. I want Mel to have a Taylor Swift kind of wedding, filled with “Love Story” and “Today was a Fairytale” vibes. I wouldn’t be her best friend if I didn’t want all these things for her. She deserves them and if I can help make everything perfect, I’m in!

What’s With the Mermaid Blog Title?

So, quick sidetrack but..mermaids, what about it? Mel and I have known each other since our late teens but it wasn’t until our friend Kay went to college in California we really got close (we really bonded over missing her). That’s when we realized we had so much in common! So, I was like..we need a friend hashtag and we both like mermaid stuff, so… Mel was like.. #mermaidsquad and obviously I loved it! Three years later and we’ll throw in the hashtag for just about every Instagram pic! It’s a perfect hashtag for an amazing friendship like ours. And now, she’s gonna be a fabulous mermaid bride and I’ll be her merbridesmaid.. #MermaidSquadWedding. I thought I better explain that, otherwise you might be wondering what’s up with the mermaid stuff. Now you know.


I’m so excited for Mel and Mike and can’t wait to see the next chapter of their lives unfold. Being her bridesmaid is so special to me, knowing I get to help make her day wonderful and that she would pick me to stand next to her on HER BEST DAY EVER. Cheers to my best friend finding the love of her life, I couldn’t be more thrilled for her! Love you, Mel! I’m ready to be your merbridesmaid!!!

I promise to hold your dress when you pee and hand you tissues when you cry happy tears 🙂

“When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” – When Harry Met Sally

3 thoughts on “A Mermaid Bride & Her Merbridesmaid

  1. This was so sweet Chea! You will make a beautiful bridesmaid, and Mel will make a beautiful bride. So happy she will marry the love of her life, and you will be there to see it happen. Love Gi Gi. PS love reading all your great blogs . Keep them coming.


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